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  1. r3meyer

    New Enclosed Trailer

    My buddy added trap doors on both sides of where his rear tires sit.  Easy to air up a paddle if it were to go flat.  That it was silly until I had it happen to me.  Almost impossible to get it out without lots of work.
  2. r3meyer

    Fuel transfer pump?

  3. r3meyer

    Trailing arm mounts. Bushing and sleeve, or heim and misalignment?

    Today is now the year 2021.  What is the ideal method for mounting trailing arms.  I have tabs with bushing and sleeves.  I wear them out in what seems to be record time.  is one method better then the other?  How are all the new cars designed?
  4. r3meyer

    Are Campfire permits needed?

    What say you?