Search results

  1. r3meyer

    Internet at Glamis

    I have it in a husky box from home depot that I take with me.  If you google Starlink travel case you will get a hundred different ideas.  I checked it on the plane when I went to Wyoming. The small inverter also fits in that box along with a long ratchet tie down.  Husky box is water proof so I...
  2. r3meyer

    Internet at Glamis

    I have starlink RV.  It works everywhere.  Confirmed in the middle of nowhere in Wyoming with nothing but a small cigarette outlet (pure sine wave) inverter and a rental car with it sitting on the roof, a house boat in the middle of Lake Powell, Mexico on the beach, Lake Havasu on a holiday...
  3. r3meyer

    Holley EFI and S4D Gear indicator help

    Helping a buddy finish up some loose ends on his 2022 SCU build.  One of the open items thats left is getting the gear indicator to display on the Holley dash.  Does anyone know the correct way to do this?  This is on a Terminator setup.  We have the harness from Weddle.
  4. r3meyer

    What size oil coiler are you 700-1000HP guys running?

    I need to buy an oil cooler but not sure what size to get.  Summit has a ton of fan powered versions to choose from.  Anyone running that HP level that can give me a measurement or brand/part number?
  5. r3meyer

    Looking For WTB Commuter Car / FOUND ONE ...Nissan Altima!!!

    Most don't know about them, but if you can find a FIAT 500e they are absolute the lowest cost to own car on the road.  Mine just turned 40k miles.  Its all electric and I get about 70-110 miles on a charge if I am not messing with V8 cars (its crazy fast).  I just calculated out what it cost to...
  6. r3meyer

    Intercooler selection and location

    My car has a massive radiator.  Most times even on a warm day and a hard run I only get one fan to run.  Going to put a blower on my car and was trying to decide on intercooler location and function. I have plenty of room to put one infront of my radiator and just use the cooling stack.  Or...
  7. r3meyer

    Anyone Ceramic Coat Your RV?

    I just had my bus done.  Biggest reason is I can now have it just washed and then do a quick wipe down with any Sio2 product.  Wax does NOT last in the AZ heat.   If you're going to go through the  time and money to have something polished, you might as well use something thats going to seal...
  8. r3meyer

    Towing with class C motorhome

    I have had the Super C (Gulfstream) setup with the 8.1 and the Allison. Seneca copy.  I hated every minute of it.  Because the ass end hangs out so far over those rear tires you get alot a sway when you start to hit the trucker ruts or they pass you.  If I was going to pass a trucker I would...
  9. r3meyer

    LIPO for MH?

    You don't need a LiPo charger, but it will help.  These batteries only balance when you get to the top level of the charge voltage so you can aways but a stand alone charger to top them off every couple of months. This is 600 ah about 2k.  Just search amazon 300ah LiFePo4.  
  10. r3meyer

    Insurance adjuster advice

    So unfortunately one of my fleet trucks was Tboned this week.  My employee was fine, but truck will need some work.  Not sure if they will total it or not.  Its been about 12 years  since I have had to deal with an adjuster when it comes to totaling out a vehicle.   My trucks are bought and...
  11. r3meyer

    Ghostly Adventures from Gecko

    I was at walmart and turned a little wide.  Hit some dirt with the front tires in the bus.  Had a flash back to the time I camped on Gecko.
  12. r3meyer

    What Truck Stop App or Card Do You Like?

    You just use the Open Roads app to use the TSD card.  Use the map and it shows you all the gas prices.  Lets you plan your fill ups that way.  I have been using it for about 3 years.  It will work at any truck stop, but you would just pay full price if they are not part of the program.  They use...
  13. r3meyer

    Ghostly Adventures from Gecko

    Hondajimz reporting from the front line! Wonder if this will turn into something like they do in apartment complexes.  They partner up with tow companies who come strolling though every couple of hours looking for cars parked without passes and tow them away.  If they are red tagged they hookem...
  14. r3meyer

    Battery setup help

    You have no idea what condition these batteries are in so it could be any number of issues.  I could never get more then 2-3 out of AMG or FLA and I kept them in perfect shape.  They just suck. I would do a capacity test so you can tell what type of AH you have available and decide if its...
  15. r3meyer

    Need CBM 440 with 4.0 blower Holley tune

    Kinda a long shot, but does anyone have a the CBM 440 with 4.0 blower setup running holley EFI?  Would rather put a known good tune in the car for this setup than start from scratch until it can get on the dyno. A dash file would be great also.
  16. r3meyer

    Odyssey PC680 - LS Engine?

    Tossed my 925 in the trash after it died in just under 3 years.  23.9lbs of boat anchor. Earth X LiFePo4 battery.   Weighs 4.9LBS and spins the motor like a top.  Keeps operating voltage higher so everything runs cooler and uses less amps. ETX900 I use a NOCO Genius 1 amp maintainer set on...
  17. r3meyer

    Glamis Vets Race Channel Broadcast?

    I realize this is last min, but any chance you guys can pick a channel and broadcast the ceremony?  I know a lot of people have radios and would be awesome to hear the whole event from the top of every dune.
  18. r3meyer

    Ghostly Adventures from Gecko

    I stayed on Gecko once.  It felt like I was camping at the end of a Walmart parking lot.  
  19. r3meyer

    Glamis Halloween 2021 video

    Your videos are excellent.  I hope you continue!
  20. r3meyer

    Costco Stopped me from filling my trailer at the pump!

    For years now I have gone to costco to fill up my coach (diesel) and the box trailer (91).  Few weeks ago I took my box trailer down there with my truck to fill up my 55gal drum that is inside and has been for years.  Its mounted and plumbed inside.  I always open my side door, pull up, and get...