Search results

  1. D

    Thanksgiving 24 what have you destroyed?

    Pretty certain I’ll be destroying a bathroom here shortly after the meal I just ate 😀😀
  2. D

    It's Thanksgiving Day ... What is everyone doing?

    Someone is about to be on the 6:00 news tonight. "Man burns down house frying turkey in his kitchen". Seriously, I hope not but good grief, take that outside.
  3. D

    Rv insurance

    I have my Moho with Safeco but I'm in Oregon, not Cali. Insured for $315k if memory serves. $2k/year. No idea if they will do Cali
  4. D

    CA does it again, No more New Motorhome sales starting 2025

    Some hope that perhaps CARB is realizing they need to consider the impact of their actions:
  5. D

    For Next Sand Car - School Me

    Yes, I get that. And yes, it is JetTrim. The seat order still goes through Funco. So I have to get my decision to Grant so he can place the order with JetTrim. I don’t want my delivery delayed waiting for seats. And Grant certainly doesn’t want a car sitting in his shop waiting for seats.
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    For Next Sand Car - School Me

    Yep, good advice. I promised Grant he’ll have no later than Monday.
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    For Next Sand Car - School Me

    Super excited my Funco build has officially started. My tubes are cut and bent and now going together in the jig. Got my paint colors and graphics pretty settled. I still need to finalize some seat colors and patterns but will do that this weekend. Otherwise I think I’m done with any choices...
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    In Search of : Whipple 4.5 for LS7

    That's a decent deal for sure. If memory serves the intake is different on LS3 vs LS7 so I don't think the blower package is interchangeable. But for someone that wants an LS3 it seems like a pretty good price.
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    In Search of : Whipple 4.5 for LS7

    Used Whipples, if you can find them, are going for a steep premium as most sellers know you can’t get new ones right now. Mine is going on a 427 LS7 being built by C&G. Engine is going in a new Funco GTU that is just about to start build process.
  10. D

    In Search of : Whipple 4.5 for LS7

    So I bought the used Whipple 4.5 mentioned previously. Sent it to Whipple and they came back and said basically only the housing was useable. They said an excessive amount of sand went through it and the rotors came in contact with each other. The good news is, the housing was the main item I...
  11. D

    Glamis this weekend!

    And don’t know about graphics but we do get shirts and hats made with a rendering of our Sportfisher and the name on it. Does that put me in with the rest of all the F—-ers? Maybe since our shirts and hats fit normally we are OK? 😀😀😀
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    Election Predictions....What Say You?

    As the saying goes; it’s all about the economy stupid. Curious what you all have heard in specific policy ideas from either candidate that you believe will help or hurt the economy? I haven’t heard many specifics from Kamala other than to go after corporate price gouging - what ever that means...
  13. D

    Finally broke my Albins after 7 seasons

    I'll bet that Albins you bought is the same guy I talked to a month or so ago. He wasn't very negotiable. He knew once the season started someone would need it ASAP and be willing to pay nearly same price as a new order. Glad it worked out for you.
  14. D

    Looking for 32" - 34" Wide Tool chest

    Yep, I had looked there but not finding the size I needed. I did end up buying a HF box. Actually, it was a service cart and I cut the legs off and am just using the upper box portion.
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    Do You Use GPS/Navigation In a Sandcar?

    Curious how many of you have a Lowrance, Garmin or similar unit on the dash of your sandcar and do you actually use it? And by use it, I mean the navigation feature, not just for a back up camera screen or GPS speed. I was planning to put one in my new car but mainly just because the Holley dash...
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    Sand Rail Insurance

    Who is Stephan and what underwriter quoted? I’ll be in the market for insurance on my new Funco soon.
  17. D

    Looking for 32" - 34" Wide Tool chest

    I've been searching the web for a 32" -34" wide tool box to go in my new trailer but not finding anything. I need a top chest style to sit on the counter. needs to be 32-34 wide x roughly 18 deep and max 20 tall. I would have never thought I couldn't find something. If you come across something...
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    New to Sandrails

    You won't get a new Funco, Tatum, Alumicraft, etc for $200k . Well, unless you strip it down to low power, low $$ trans and virtually nothing extra. Even then I'm not sure you get to $200k. But there are plenty of nice used cars in that range and less.
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    New to Sandrails

    I did pretty extensive research for my new sand car. This was for a new car, not used but much is still relevant to your search:
  20. D

    Make America great again... what decade?

    I say we only need to go back to prior to social media. Outlaw this and the world would be a much better place.