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  1. D

    Sand Car Prices - New and Refresh

    But is there a market to sustain a higher volume production build that would be necessary to recoup investment? The only way to get cost down and still have margin means you have to build higher quantity. How many people out there are going to spend $90k - $100k for a car like that? You would...
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    Gen 4 Update

    Check with Grant to see if the shocks you got from him have the new set-up from King or if you got them before this was done. Funco worked with a King engineer and a few test cars and the shocks have a completely new set-up going forward. I don’t know at what point the change was made though. I...
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    Duners Paradise, Someone needs to step up!

    OK that’s pretty damn cool. But look at the pictures. Why does somebody always building something bitchin like this but next to a trailer park? LMAO!
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    Sequential Gearbox - Do You Clutch or Not?

    Can you expand on what it means to “pre load the shifter” ? Thanks!
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    Sequential Gearbox - Do You Clutch or Not?

    I’m not surprised to hear most of you still use the clutch. For many of us I think it is just engrained in our brain and feels wrong to shift without clutching. How about any of you with Albins boxes?
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    Mirage trailer

    We sealed them up best we could with foam board and expanding foam. We were afraid to use too much expanding foam as we didn’t want to damage the thin exterior panels.
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    Sequential Gearbox - Do You Clutch or Not?

    Recently went back and re-read @SeanRitchie great thread that lead to his input on clutching or not when shifting a sequential gearbox. His thread is here : Sequential vs. Synchromesh, The Difference Makes me wonder how many of you clutch your sequential or simply lift off throttle and shift...
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    Mirage trailer

    My hunting buddy has an older Mirage enclosed. Around a 2010 year model I think it is an 8x20 tandem axle. It’s falling apart now but has lived a fairly rough life. Biggest issue when newer is the bottom of the walls are not sealed . Take it down a dusty dirt road and everything inside gets...
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    Any Porsche Guru's Here?

    I'm thinking about getting my wife a 911. Any experts here? I'm looking at good condition, low mileage used. Probably in the 2016-2018 vintage range. Found a nice Carrera S but curious if it is worth it to spend the extra $$ to go up to a Turbo or even Turbo S model? I have researched the spec...
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    It's Saturday Jan 25th 2025.. What is everyone doing this weekend?

    Finished the LiPo battery upgrade in my Moho. Was a pretty good project. I had to relocate many items in the battery bay to fit them in. Also installed a dc-dc charger with a selector switch a. smart shunt and a full disconnect switch for battery bank. I now have a 900AH house bank. Upgraded the...
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    WAKE UP CA residents!

    I left California back in 2000. Moved to Alaska for 5 years, then Oregon for 5, up to Washington State for the next 5 years and now back in Oregon and been here 7 years now. The only thing I miss about California is the weather and that isn’t remotely enough to make me even consider going back...
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    Starlink ain’t cheap but works good.

    I’ve had it on my boat for a couple years now. Works awesome. I just put it in my Moho too.
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    Getting stuck is a problem

    How does a larger tire diameter (35" vs 33") equate to getting stuck less?
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    solar or big amperage battery charger?

    You want to clean up the rats nest which makes perfect sense. But you are creating another one by having an inverter plus 3 other converter/chargers. Get rid of the 3 converter/chargers and just have one inverter/charger. You need a bigger inverter anyway. You will have lots of battery power...
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    solar or big amperage battery charger?

    Seems overly complicated to me. If you are only powering a residential fridge and a few monitors why do you need such a high charge rate? Where is the draw coming from on the batteries that you need to replace so much power? Why not just upgrade your inverter to an inverter/charger and not have...
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    Sta-Flo Starch has been discontinued!! What is every one using now???

    I had same issue with Berryman's. Tires leaked and made a mess. I too the Berryman's out and put in Staflo and no leaks or mess.
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    Motorhome & Enclosed or 5th wheel and why?

    Moho and enclosed trailer here. Easy decision for me as it is really my only option. Can't fit all the toys in a toy hauler so have to be able to pull a larger trailer. All my family members want to be driver's not passengers of toys. Plus I like having the Moho as I don't ever have to stop...
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    Wide body stackers

    I doubt anyone stocks them new unless you find one that somebody ordered and didn't finish the purchase. ATC won't build a wide body. Intech will though. Not sure what the wait time is for Intech now. My Intech was about 4 months last summer. There was a really nice wide body Intech Stacker...
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    LifePo4 batteries and size question

    The Epoch batteries are getting great reviews. They are supposed to be even better than the Battleborn and substantially cheaper. I'm getting ready to upgrade my moho. I have 3(ea) 105AH AGMs now. I'm replacing them with 3(ea) Epoch Essentials 300AH batteries. They are close to the same size...