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  1. Dive Bar Casanova


    Right click/copy the image address then click and paste directly on the post, don't use the image icon or movie icon.
  2. Dive Bar Casanova


  3. Dive Bar Casanova


  4. Dive Bar Casanova

    Lets talk 12V Impact gun options

    Mine did too, the cheap-o harbor freight with a coupon is doing good. 1/2" drive.
  5. Dive Bar Casanova

    Ford Raptors in Europe

    My NEW iPhone grenade'd, luckily when I got off the plane returning from Europe last week. So,, no pix by us. BUT: What really caught the wife and I off guard was walking around Liverpool and Portsmouth England and Cork Ireland was not the usual Peugeots and Vauxhalls parked and running up and...
  6. Dive Bar Casanova

    Out with the old...In with the new!

    We have a 2001 GMC with a Zillion miles and thought with solar on the house,, go EV for a replacement. The new GMC Denali EV came in with a $130.000 OTD price and we got our $100 deposit back and walked. That truck still sits at the dealer on First St. Simi unsold a month later. If we were...
  7. Dive Bar Casanova

    Out with the old...In with the new!

    We had a 202) Dmax Dually plagued with problems. No hassle GM wrote us a HUGE check and we have 2024 Dmax Dually we really like and no issues at all.
  8. Dive Bar Casanova

    Trick or treating in Glamis?

    Covid wiped out our DUMONT group and a few past people are talking reset it and resume trips. If we go I’ll post where we’re at. Otherwise the dry lake in Spangler
  9. Dive Bar Casanova

    Trick or treating in Glamis?

    Dumont is the Big Halloween fest with trick or treating.
  10. Dive Bar Casanova

    Desert Bash in Havasu!

    No organized ride that I know of but the kids had a blast with yours and a few of the others in the camp track. I vaguely remember you and me blasting around in yours too.
  11. Dive Bar Casanova

    How many Members actually still go to Glamis?

    We're ready. Fresh Rex Specs:
  12. Dive Bar Casanova

    Desert Bash in Havasu!

    May bring the Rzr 200 for the kids to drive. All the kids camp rides were really popular last time.
  13. Dive Bar Casanova

    New members signing up!!!!

    Old member signing back up. Sites looking good.
  14. Dive Bar Casanova

    Ram or Ford….. looking for pros and cons

    We love those OHV trails. Even a US forestry service person designated to maintain them. Signage, maps, OHVs are welcome.
  15. Dive Bar Casanova

    Ram or Ford….. looking for pros and cons

    A little off topic, well, maybe more than a little. We were walking the streets of Cork Ireland and Portsmouth England last week and never expected to see so many Ford Raptors. Right hand drive. Super popular over there. No personal pix, iPhone puked but some Googles images:
  16. Dive Bar Casanova

    Skat Trak

    So many OHV businesses bought out by big trusts it's really changed and we've lost some solid places to buy quality stuff.
  17. Dive Bar Casanova


    Wife and her GFs are HUGE Doyer fans. USC Nurses, they have the game on at work of course. Like strict moms they have high expectations of the talented high paid players on any team.
  18. Dive Bar Casanova

    SSSS 2024 thread

    Lots of dirt enthusiasts stuff too.
  19. Dive Bar Casanova

    Desert Bash in Havasu!

    We'll be there. The cards stops are always interesting. RD's ride 4 years ago: