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  1. Dive Bar Casanova

    What Sub sammy works for you?

    San Carlo Deli in Chatsworth 12” hard roll. Meatball Pastrami Or Italian cold cut aka San Carlo Special.
  2. Dive Bar Casanova

    Get your kids Christmas quad now.

    One Grandson lives in the most isolated spot in the USA. All his cousins are getting new quads for Christmas so I got him one too. It'll be a great hand-me-down for his little brothers and sisters as well. His mom can't afford it and I sold off all our kids quads a decade ago. I don't think...
  3. Dive Bar Casanova

    Padres Road to the World Series

    When I held affordable Dodger season tickets, Mets fans were the best visitors. Appreciating Baseball purists, not in the stadium looking for trouble. Cincinnati fans were the one starting the fights. They came looking for trouble, found it and it never worked out well for them. They are who...
  4. Dive Bar Casanova

    Need help in Mexicali

    Used that trick with Diesel bulldozers in the Marines. Poor mans starter fluid.
  5. Dive Bar Casanova

    Vector performance fuel pump control/ anyone know the over ride hack?

    The Toy Haulers fuel dispenser control has failed again. Anyone know the hack to over ride it? Thanks.
  6. Dive Bar Casanova

    Battery powered lawn care equipment???

    I’ve been buying the Harbor Freight elect clippers etc with a coupon. They work good. Honda makes excellent Electric Lawn Mowers but doesn’t sell them in the USA. Its what I’ve been waiting for.
  7. Dive Bar Casanova

    VP Debate

    Walz was all slander.
  8. Dive Bar Casanova


  9. Dive Bar Casanova


  10. Dive Bar Casanova

    ABS Brake Issues - Chevy Truck

    Before you get drastic this easy fix is what I found: If everything is working fine and you have false warnings, the ABS reverts to normal braking, the electrical plug behind the front passenger side wheel well usually needed cleaning. Jus' sayin' & read that: In my situation. Step One: Check...
  11. Dive Bar Casanova

    Neil Hamada

    The only way to get back at or get even with the Government is to work for it.
  12. Dive Bar Casanova


  13. Dive Bar Casanova


  14. Dive Bar Casanova

    It's Saturday Sept 28th 2024.. What is everyone doing this weekend?

    Prepping the RV for an upper desert trip.
  15. Dive Bar Casanova


  16. Dive Bar Casanova

    boobs That one won't post. They usually will, not always, may be the hosting site. They can encrypt them so you can't hot link them to another website.. Everything's a paywall now, or a paywall until they realize more...
  17. Dive Bar Casanova

    Camp Lights

    I use yellow bug lights in Dumont. Death Valley moths are sized like pigeons.
  18. Dive Bar Casanova


  19. Dive Bar Casanova


  20. Dive Bar Casanova

