Search results

  1. Dive Bar Casanova

    Biden pardons Hunter

    Graft accepted by the Bidens for access and influence. It's all corrupt.
  2. Dive Bar Casanova

    Harbor Freight Sale, last day today:

    Bought his gun safe $149, $50 bucks off: + Plastic ammo boxes $2.99 each.
  3. Dive Bar Casanova

    Biden pardons Hunter

    Biden Family Graft bagman. The most corrupt family to serve in DC. BTW:
  4. Dive Bar Casanova

    Wife says her car drives funny

    We had that once. We sent the tire to Michelin and this was their findings: "Americas Tire did an incorrect puncture repair causing inflation air to migrate between the tred ply's causing the separation." Could be several other reason this happens too. When the wife says somethings ain't...
  5. Dive Bar Casanova

    Nursing School

    Depends on the field if nursing. Wife’s hospital up to $110 an hour for the super speciality fields last I asked her, and that was 10 years ago. Wife pulls near that. It’s a tough job, have to be geared for that line of work. Overtime is essential and critical and pays real good but with...
  6. Dive Bar Casanova

    Nursing School

    Oncology Nurses at USC earn serious bank. UCLA Nurses have a 20 years to retirement. Keep applying.
  7. Dive Bar Casanova

    Mr President

    Exiting Democrats: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enter Republicans:
  8. Dive Bar Casanova

    Mr President

  9. Dive Bar Casanova

    Mr President

    Heads in DC will roll:
  10. Dive Bar Casanova

    Mr President

  11. Dive Bar Casanova

    Mr President

    MLK said the USA is full of good people that need to see the injustices. The Obamas and the rest called these same people racists. Add $12.000 more a year cost to live, a cackling Hyena that can't sit for a serious discussion, and a party that can't admit they are out for themselves and calling...
  12. Dive Bar Casanova

    Mr President

  13. Dive Bar Casanova

    Mr President

    Those millions of illegals were channeled to swing states and if not removed they will vote in the next POTUS election.
  14. Dive Bar Casanova

    Mr President

  15. Dive Bar Casanova

    Who to buy Sand tire and wheel sets from - X3 MAX

    Been shopping, not finding anything. 15" Bead locks 5 - 2 front 5- 5 rear paddles 32's if possible. Any takes? Much appreciated
  16. Dive Bar Casanova

    What Pharmacy you all use in Los Algodones?

    ,,,and firecrackers too?
  17. Dive Bar Casanova

    What Pharmacy you all use in Los Algodones?

    We've used Pharmacy Tury's in the past but it's been a long while. Any recommendations? Thanks
  18. Dive Bar Casanova

    Pissing people off

    People are selfish in many different ways.
  19. Dive Bar Casanova

    What Sub sammy works for you?

    Tam O Shanter.