Search results

  1. Fireballsocal

    Working or not working between Christmas and New Years?

    Warehouse labor here. We had Christmas eve and Christmas off, weekends off, and New Years eve and New Years off. I'm good with that. Sucks they land in the middle of the week but I've had to work through holidays before so I'll take it and smile.
  2. Fireballsocal

    Tool Talk

    It's not so cut and dried any more, brand wise. My Dad started me out with a craftsman mechanics set @ 18. Probably so I would stop using his tools. I still have all of the wrenches and sockets. Ratchets have been replaced by a blackhawk and some HF Pittsburg ones that I use all the time. I...
  3. Fireballsocal

    Tucker Gott - Paramotor flight over glamis...

    Not trying to talk you out of the interest at all. I had briefly considered buying a used motor and wing. It seems like you need to go all in and practice practice practice. Like any proper flight training. I decided I didn't have the desire to spend so much time on what was essentially a whim...
  4. Fireballsocal

    This kinna this makes me smile...

    That's great! Lemme tell ya that affirmative action in big corporations, mine from first hand knowledge, is out of control.
  5. Fireballsocal

    Tucker Gott - Paramotor flight over glamis...

    While simple looking, they require quite a bit of training to fly safely and even then, the community loses some pilots with lots of hours often. I have no affiliation with these guys. It was the first hit of a google search.
  6. Fireballsocal

    Harbor freight badlands winch, 40% off tomorrow (Thurs.) with coupon.

    Right on. Glad to get the info out. My store showed the apex 5500lb long drum w/ synthetic line that I wanted as in stock so I dropped in after work and sure enough, it was there and I bought it for $169 OTD. MSRP was $259. Doesn't look like many people were buying winches as they still had some...
  7. Fireballsocal

    Harbor freight badlands winch, 40% off tomorrow (Thurs.) with coupon.

    The predator 3500 watt generator is coming up.
  8. Fireballsocal

    Driving gloves?

    Those have Weaze all over em.
  9. Fireballsocal

    Harbor freight badlands winch, 40% off tomorrow (Thurs.) with coupon. They will probably all be gone in the first half hour so I will miss out but if you are in the market and can get there early, they seem to be a stout winch. This is any badland but not the other winch models.
  10. Fireballsocal

    chEFFs Dream Home Build

    Are those Joshua trees chEFF? The tree yucca looking things.
  11. Fireballsocal

    Where to Buy Storage Container?

    I looked at both sites when buying my 20'. I picked one off of craigslist. I used a credit card just in case of a scam but the deal was flawless.
  12. Fireballsocal


    If a utility is fined, it passes its costs onto its customers. The other utilities take notice and raise rates. The amount of electric cars here is staggering.
  13. Fireballsocal

    Lemon law advice AZ

    It depends on the generation. 10-current, it seems everyone wants to make a sports sedan. Even the Japanese buick avalon got firmer. The GS is firmer than the ES but I wouldn't ever describe it as sportscar like.
  14. Fireballsocal

    Lemon law advice AZ

    Consider a gs350 also. The FWD ES is a pain in the ais to do rear cylinder sparkplugs on. The GS being rear wheel drive is much easier and/or cheaper if you have a mechanic work on your vehicles.
  15. Fireballsocal

    Lemon law advice AZ

    Had an 06 for a time. Was a total greyhair car but I liked it alot.
  16. Fireballsocal

    Lemon law advice AZ

    Rav4 LE non hybrid is the base model. This should be the last year of this generation so proven engine, motor, trans, etc. Lots sold so lots of parts out there and lots of mechanics know how to service them. I bought my parents a 2022 mid tier XLE premium hybrid and they love it. It's a pretty...
  17. Fireballsocal

    Lemon law advice AZ

    This is very important to know. All dealerships minus tesla are franchises. They sell and service the product but have no other tie to the manufacturer. I would also suggest the lawyer route. Get it handled.
  18. Fireballsocal

    Internet Speed

    Frontier fiber.
  19. Fireballsocal

    UHC CEO Shot

    Despite the "news" writing articles that state "The net is closing in" and early statements that he would be caught quickly, this dude is still free. I laughed at the found backpack filled with monopoly money.