Search results

  1. Fireballsocal

    Welding Newbie

    I used my Dads hobart handler 110V machine. A 120 handler I believe. I did practice a bunch before repairing the gate but it turned out passable. I want to buy the 240V version, the iron horse for me. I used an argon mix and the welder never shut off due to duty cycle which I exceeded. 
  2. Fireballsocal

    High end stereo speakers. Klipsch Heresy III or?

    I'm doing some dreaming here and wondered if we have any audiophiles on the board? My next house will have a dedicated stereo for music listening. For electronics, I will start with the small denon all in one receiver/CD player I have currently till I move up to a higher end receiver or...
  3. Fireballsocal

    Bench Mounted Vice

    I wanted to buy a vice for my new workbench about 12 years ago and started looking. The stuff in big box stores was junk. I couldn't understand how such a low tech tool seemed to come in 2 qualities, either cheap import junk or made in the USA overpriced high end. As I was talking to my Dad, he...
  4. Fireballsocal

    Does anyone have experience with buying a new construction manufactured or modular home?

    I'm thinking outside of the box a bit and have been interested in manufactured or modular housing. New construction, to be placed on my private land on a permanent foundation. As I understand, a modular home will be built to local building codes, be worth more upon completion, and will...
  5. Fireballsocal

    Sealing a slow leak?

    If you can submerge the whole tire, I'd blow it up to 25psi and find out where it's leaking then go from there. If it's a valve stem, easy to fix. So is a bead with grit/rust in it. Just finding the leak is the first priority. 
  6. Fireballsocal

    Any onewheelers on here?

    I'm just about ready to pull the trigger on a onewheel pint. I guess I haven't had enough broken bones or road rash in my lifetime but they look like a blast. Are there any pros/cons you can throw at me? 
  7. Fireballsocal

    If you need something from the old board, maybe a web crawler is an option?

    There are services that copy old website pages like this old story of ordering my CR500AF from 2005ish. Perhaps you can find that post you were looking for and thought it was lost.