JD'S Memes

I won't call it a conspiracy, but has anyone noticed the "Anti Spot"
liquid for the dishwasher has gotten thinner?
It seems like it is used faster these days.
And what about the lower quality of paper towels?
I can't keep up with the stock in the pantry.
Something is wrong.. (Just Sayin')
Niccol did a great job turning Chipotle around and it's stock went up over 700% during his tenure there. (I might have owned a few shares during that ride! 💰)
I'm sure some of the stock grants will be tied to performance, and if he does what he did for Chipotle, he's worth every penny! (And yes, I sold Chipotle and bought some Starbucks)
I rode my bike from East San Diego to Mission Beach every summer.
(and home)