Losing a good friend. Taps to Coobie.

Compound days, Coob was camped up at 22, came down to visit have a "couple" beers, when leaving he says he is gonna baby dune it back to the oldtimers camp, over an hour later here comes Coob walking into the compound, says he wadded up the front end of his buggy, about 1 mile in from wash 6, the search crew goes out looking and damn it took us a bit, cant remember who ended up actually finding it but anyway it all worked out and we got him back to his camp.
Remember that one very well. Lol
We were playing shoes when that happened.
I got the text last week from one of his old partners in Chula Vista. I think I only met Coobie once, I gave him a beer fridge kegerator (due to GD.com). Him and Lyle came and picked it up at my house. We hung out for a bit and made a simple connection. So sad, I pray for his family. RIP Matt and Lyle.
Just watched a GD party video with Coobie. He told me a joke that I had forgotten.

Coobie: A Mexican and Black are both inside a car. Who is driving?

Me: The Black because he's high on weed while the Mexican is drunk on beers.

Coobie: Wrong!

Me: Who then?

Coobie: /with smirk/ The Cop.
I think I only met Coobie once, I gave him a beer fridge kegerator (due to GD.com). Him and Lyle came and picked it up at my house.
I had quite a few beers out of that fridge.
Missing @Coobie !!! Was talking the other day with family and some funny campfire COOBIE stories started Rolling !!!!


I really hope hes in a better place and at peace looking down !!!!! He is truly missed!!