Disaster avoided, Rzr 1000 Clutch Replacement


Well-known member
May 5, 2021
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So, my buddy Casey has a 2015 RZR 1000 and needed to replace the primary and secondary clutches. Dave and I were headed over to help.
Secondary was cake for him as he had it off and replaced before Dave and I could get over there.
Now comes the primary, get the shock out of the way, impact on the shaft bolt...easy peasy!
Watch a couple videos, check the torque specks, 96 lt/lb...set the torque wrench and away we go
Quick little zip with the impact to get it on...then Dave get's his torque wrench out....tighten....tighten.....tighten....almost there....SNAP!!!!!!

As the bolt slides out and the the primary is still attached we just are at a loss!
About 1" of thread is stuck on the engine side...
Now they were able to get the primary off but inside the cavern of despair is this chunk of Kryptonite, lodged with what looks like it's middle finger point back at us smiling. (I think we all heard a little laugh from the souless piece of busted metal!
I make a call to @Intro2Rhino and I knew it was bad when I tell Johnny what happened, his reaction was UH OH!
Not really knowing any sort of quick fix it, it see,ed now that Casey most likely having to take his rzr to a shop.

But...we are sitting there.
Could we extract it? might as well try.
2 hours of Casey and Dave drilling, we decide to take a break and get some lunch, an ice cold beer and come up with a game plan.
Dave had a brilliant idea of getting a Left handed bit (reverse threaded)
Makes sense cause they could feel that while drilling normally the bit was somehow getting pushed farther in, it was turning.

Auto Zone had the Reverse (left handed) bit.
The trick was to glo slow...I give it a go since they had been drilling for a couple hours before.
Super slow speed, I could actually feel it grabbing...OMG is this working????
Metal shavings are coming out...it's going in!
So, I decide to try the extractor...you could actually see the drill backing out...OMG...is this seriously gonna work.
I get to a point where I try to pull the extractor out, but it is stuck (That's a good thing) so I keep going.
All the sudden it feels loose and I figure the bit came out so I pull the drill out....GASP!!!!

There it is...The blasted Evil chunk of threaded misery is out!
We all just yelled, hooted and hollered.
Disaster averted...the look on my face tells it all as I pulled that thing out!

New bolt is on order.
Now to anyone doing this....do not use the existing bolt, order the replacement one. when replacing this stuff!


Everybody wants to be a gangster until it's time to do gangster shit!

Good work! And yea, I keep left hand bits at the ready for sure. Crazy thing is I use them for everything. Whatever hole needs drilling, whatever broken bolt needs removing. Simple.

On another note, I've broken bolts a lot smaller all because I used a Harbor Freight torque wrench that was supposed to do 12 ft/lbs and just snapped the stupid little 10mm bolt. Pissed me off to all hell!
Gotta love that feeling when the end of the bolt is out! It's next to sex lol
Reminds me of a certain CV " Incident" :D

PS: if you were not such a dipchit - this woula gone much smoother for your buddy - Go pick out some new decorative trim for you arts and crafts bench out in that "garage" of yours !

PS: Happy New Year !!!!!😬
kudos to you for not giving up when all seemed hopeless. Today’s useless tip, always have your torque wrenches tested/certified.

IRWIN Tools Hanson Screw Extractor and Drill Bit Set, 35 Piece, 11135ZR​

Reminds me of a certain CV " Incident" :D

PS: if you were not such a dipchit - this woula gone much smoother for your buddy - Go pick out some new decorative trim for you arts and crafts bench out in that "garage" of yours !

PS: Happy New Year !!!!!😬
Listen here buddy!
I think the draw string on your KISS Ultimate Fan, Gene Simmons Ultra lycra spandex One-zie is way too tight causing your Zima/Bud Light filled belly to hang down to your FUPA!
This causes lack of blood flow and increases mouth breathing (more than you already do)
Also, check the oil you are putting in your Chia Pet hairdo...the smell might be getting to your senses!

Happy New year to you and your family!
Use ARP stuff all of the time, but honestly never seen there stuff with that yellow zink plating. That bolt just looks like a hardware store that is undercut above the threads. Hopefully it's good quality for that price and keeps you running problem free 👍