
The Africans at the Home Depot in El Cajon won the dance off, not a Mexican in sight...
That's very interesting. Thanks for the feedback. At the Glendale AZ Home Depot I referred to, still to this day it's the Mexicans at one entrance, and the Africans at the other, approx. 1 football field away from each other.
who wants to make $1000 a head?

"Additionally, the Department of Public Safety shall develop an information system for people to report violations of this act which shall include a toll-free telephone hotline, e-mail, and online reporting portal. Any person who makes a report in which an illegal alien is arrested shall receive a reward of $1,000."
who wants to make $1000 a head?

"Additionally, the Department of Public Safety shall develop an information system for people to report violations of this act which shall include a toll-free telephone hotline, e-mail, and online reporting portal. Any person who makes a report in which an illegal alien is arrested shall receive a reward of $1,000."
I’d have a full time job if we could get this passed in California. Take a trailer out to my property down by the border and just clean up…
When we were kids, there was always a group of day laborers at the local 7-Elevens. We would always scream "La Migra" to warn them when border patrol was around...
It's bittersweet to know that's going to happen again... They were mostly good peeps and hard workers back then.. Different times and different people now, I guess.
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i have no problem with the immigrates that are here that can prove they have a job pay taxes and don't take any type of subsites and don't have a criminal record. send the rest back fix the visa system going forward and shut the boarder for good
I have no problem sending back the problems but what happens when they stop accepting the problems back? Sure, we can just land the plane and let them out but what happens when they no longer allow us to land?

How long before the MSM has some poor family that is trapped at a Venezuelan airport or worse JFK airport because Venezuela doesn't want them and neither do we.

I also expect the Anchor Baby Executive Order to be overturned by the Supreme Court, no way are they going to have Healthcare workers in charge of checking immigration status in the maternity ward
If the plane cant land just add the cost of a parachute for each one on board and open the back door, D,B. Cooper style
Birth rite citizenship I see getting modified to dependent on Mom's legal status or not
Can't land? Declare and emergency and pull on in. Fuq'em.
Exactly. We can’t be asking for permission to drop off their criminals and mentally unstable. The answer will absolutely be “no thanks, but keep sending us money”. Parachute, forced landing, whatever it takes.
I have no problem sending back the problems but what happens when they stop accepting the problems back? Sure, we can just land the plane and let them out but what happens when they no longer allow us to land?

How long before the MSM has some poor family that is trapped at a Venezuelan airport or worse JFK airport because Venezuela doesn't want them and neither do we.

I also expect the Anchor Baby Executive Order to be overturned by the Supreme Court, no way are they going to have Healthcare workers in charge of checking immigration status in the maternity ward

An example of what happens when the don't allow the planes to land. It only took a few hrs for Columbia to rethink their decision!
