New to me 1987 trx250r purchase and build process


Well-known member
May 5, 2021
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I wasn’t looking but Had this bike offered to me at a price i couldn't pass up. I bought it sight unseen based on photos.
Its a 1987 trx250r
Initial impressions when picking it up. For what i paid it was a steal. Its all stock except tall seat, desert tank, fmf pipe and q silencer, bumpers, lonestar arms, steering stem, and triple rate works shocks. It has no front brakes at all (calipers lines etc.) the seller kept the rear paddles so i brought rear wheels and tires from my 250xIMG_8258.jpeg
This week i took fenders and tank off. Cleaned the carb(boiled in water/vinegar), cleaned the tank, changed plug and put a diff plug cap on and she fired right up. When buying an older two stroke or even when changing types of oil you use when mixing gas; its wise to run at least one 15 min idle cycle with the new oil. I ran two because im a psycho.
I ordered some front calipers, braided brake lines and a master cylinder/lever assembly off ebay. It should be here next week. Duncan racing helped me out with some factory 250r wheels front and back and some new gbc xc master tires. It wont be making any trips this week with me as the clutch is slipping really bad. I have a new hinson basket and factory clutch on order, as well as works connection cable and lever/perchIMG_8297.jpeg
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Next time im at duncan i’ll be getting a case saver, parking brake block off, and twist throttle/cable. Future plans. Build it as i use it. New fenders and graphics. rebuild front shocks (lower bushings shot) repaint springs, duncan pipe/silencer.
Long term. Tear to bare frame gusset and update. For Paint im thinking frame black, red fenders or should i do red frame black fenders? All billet accessories will be blue. Build a no link swing arm with a banshee chain guide. rear shock, axle and carrier. Build a grab bar, and put a duncan bumper on front.
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Here is my last 250r. I parted it out in 2003 when ama created a seperate 2&4 stroke class. I needed the money to build an ltz400 only for it to be obsolete in a yearIMG_3353.jpeg
Cool. I've got an 86' that I put a lot of work in but just never finished it. Other hobbies took over. If you've got facebook, there are a couple groups that are a wealth of knowledge. They are more popular than forums nowadays.IMG_7770.jpg