Its the Last weekend of 2024... What is everyone doing this weekend?


Apr 30, 2021
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Yes I know I usually do the Saturday Thread but I know ALOT of people are heading out of town or are out of town doing something so I started this weekend Thread on Friday..

So it's the LAST weekend of 2024.. What is everyone up this weekend?
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Headed to Gordon's first thing in the morning...Can't looks to be perfect all week long...70 degrees and no wind in the forecast - fuk ya. :)
Wash 16 till the 2nd. Watching the steady stream of rigs arriving with no room to park. It’s as crowded as I’ve ever seen it. Gonna be an AWESOME Fireworks show
HAPPY NEW YEAR to all the GD peeps
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Left the sandbox and beautiful weather to come home to Ncal and rain. Gecko went from full Ghost to packed overnight. Saw a steady stream rolling in all day yesterday as we were driving.
Worked today. Shipped out some high dollar parts, inspected some parts, designed some repairs. Had unch with my good buddy @Hondajimz. Went to Dave and busters with the wife and kids, walked and hung out at the mall. Watched everyone's videos in glamis to admire the shit show.
I ordered some parts for my truck.

Does that count as "doing something"? 🤔
Well I headed out to mama G for the Day and went and saw friends in wash 22.. Cheff says lets go rip.. i didn't bring anything but a Helmet and 5 gal of gas and some beer for him. He said jump in the Mav R and he would ride his quad. Before I knew it Robert L and 6 others were in to go rip some dunes. I didn't get any time in the dunes last trip so this meant the world to me. I have been going to Glamis for 50 Years and driving his car to the swingset and back put a perm grin on my face all day. As I drove home last night very tired it was so worth it..
got my pro r front end all back together, just ripped the back apart, almost done with this thing, why i thought i couldn't live with the color it was is now beyond me!