Wouldn't it be nice if there were some good guys monitoring the Recall as a Giant Sting Operation.. They certainly new what to look for after the 2020 fraud..Now that the Crime has been Committed, wouldn't it be nice if the indictments were unsealed and the arrests took place all the way from...
There's a special place in Gitmo for Pres. HousePlant , Commila, and all his Minnions..I saw yesterday that the Epa wants to ban everything with a motor that has been modified in any way.. Can't wait till Az Audit results are in..This needs to turn around..Now...
Maybe Steve will chime in..Some of the newest batteries have built in thermal protection but the ones I got will die if you charge them when too cold. I used this heating pad and set the two batteries centered on it. Also got some closed cell foam wrap insulation from amazon and wrapped the...
I did my shop about 7 years ago but I knew what I had. I built the shop with a 10 mil moisture barrier and wet cured the slab for 10 days then did the coating about 3 months later. Concrete was very solid and would test about 4kpsi with no cracks or stains. Acid etched it then used two coats of...
My name is Lloyd and I'm a Dirtaholic..Been around here since 2008..Started duning about the same time. I'm an Old Skool Dirt Biker from back in the 70's. I'm not the real SuperHunky but he was a Major Hero of mine back in the day so the name is out of Respect and Admiration. I believe he's...