The last time I received a ticket I actually got 2 on the same day. One for riding the center lane to make a left which made me late for work and the 2nd one for speeding. That was 28 years ago. I haven’t got a ticket since. Knock on Wood!!! 🤞
Where I live “So Cal” evidently it’s legal to “Harvest Ballots” Well somebody decided to take it to the next level and drive through our neighborhood in the middle of the day and steal the ballot envelopes minutes after they were delivered. 🤷🏻♂️
Is there such a thing anymore? Just give me the facts! I don’t care about your opinion. Let me make up my own mind. I don’t care about car chases “Thanks OJ” I don’t care about the celebrity entertainment BS. Eff P Diidy!! I want an unbiased news source about what’s going on in the world.
I’m pretty sure I was at a “Midget Wrestling/Tossing event at the Losers lounge in Laughlin way back in the mid 90’s. I know that has nothing to do with the current post but 🤷🏻♂️
I think at this point based upon what I’ve seen in the past it doesn’t matter if Trump wins (My fingers are crossed that he does) or if Harris wins. THERE WILL BE CIVIL UNREST! The s$&t is going to hit the fan and I think the regular people of the USA need to be ready for it. It’s going to be...
I’m a Licensed Landscape “construction”Contractor. No! I dont cut grass or pull weeds! I also do “Real Estate trash outs” on the side. You would be surprised with the stuff I come across! It ain’t sexy but it pays the bills 👍
I continue to buy their stock on a weekly basis. Between Amazon and the 5 billion from VW I think it’s going to be a great investment in the next 5 years. They just need to stop hemorrhaging cash every quarter.