Recent content by r3meyer

  1. r3meyer

    Full SU Sand Pro 2 Body - Cheap, Need Gone

    Looks great! Who did the body?
  2. r3meyer

    Full SU Sand Pro 2 Body - Cheap, Need Gone

    Let me send this to my buddy. He might want it. Whats the car look like now that you redid it?
  3. r3meyer

    Motorhome & Enclosed or 5th wheel and why?

    Let's add having a coach with an aqua hot is absolutely amazing. Zero propane needed.
  4. r3meyer

    Motorhome & Enclosed or 5th wheel and why?

    I could not go back to a toy hauler, 5th wheel. I love having the bus ready to go with all our stuff in it. Kids, wife, dog, friends etc, can all relax, make cocktails, food, restroom, sleep whatever while I drive. Some times I even have her slip in and drive so I can use the restroom and...
  5. r3meyer

    Sta-Flo Starch has been discontinued!! What is every one using now???

    antifreeze (Pick your fav color) and alumiseal. Been using it for 20 years. See Post below
  6. r3meyer

    Mendola Main Seal Leaking

    My vent goes up and joins up with my fuel tank vent loop that goes around the back of the cage where the two live in harmony. No filter on it. Just an open hose.
  7. r3meyer

    LifePo4 batteries and size question

    To answer your question, the answer is no. 100AH is 100AH. They have started to make them in different case sizes so they are plug and play in applications where form factor is important. Alot of group 31 and 24 form factors out there and when used in these configs your battery cables will...
  8. r3meyer

    Another hill another sunset.

    Very nice! We found a new spot thats higher than the ledge and has 360 degree view.
  9. r3meyer

    Whats the widest enclosed trailer opening I can build?

    I have a great enclosed hallmark race trailer. Dove tail rear, slide out generator storage, torsion axles, RV extended tongue and works OK for my needs. I am kicking around the idea of having a new trailer made with more of the same but adding in a fuel station and the widest opening I can...
  10. r3meyer

    two 12v dying after heater use.

    lead acid is horrible. Your solar panel is not doing anything unless the trailer sits un used for a week or so. It will never top them off. 2 12v is probably 100Ah which is only 50ah usable. You would need to run the gun for about 10 hours to get them full. Take the measurements of your...
  11. r3meyer

    LS thermostat housing gasket??

    Before I stuck AN press in's on my pump I traced mine out of cork gasket. Worked perfect and ended my leaking issue that your having.
  12. r3meyer

    Any fusion 360 experts here ?

    Fusion 360 is awesome. I use it to 3d print. Made my dash in sand car with it, and a part to fix the MCD blinds in my bus that they no longer make and wanted $450 a window! Now I have gone down a rabbit hole with "Gridfinity" and have been making organizers for my tool box. I watched a ton...
  13. r3meyer

    Gas tank repair

    I have plastic welded 2 gas tanks, 1 fresh water tank on my RV, and 1 grey tank on my old weekend warrior that was split in 2. If you can get to it just order up a plastic wending iron kit off of amazon and go to town. It's not hard. It will work fine. Just need to use the correct filler rod.
  14. r3meyer

    Finally broke my Albins after 7 seasons

    Feels good when you can diagnose something just by sound. Main bearing was going. Rest of the trans looks great. Just goes to show you the beastliness of these Albins. Very minor wear on my 2nd and 3rd. Had the bearing not gone, bet I get I could have gone another season or two before they...
  15. r3meyer

    LS3 Cutting out at Full Throttle

    Just a straight swap and that fixed it?