I just got my renewal and went up 35% and last year it went up 25%. My agent had to split my policy and saved $1k a year. Still a big jump from last year. He said the insurance companies couldn't raise rates during COVID and they are now playing catch up. We have Mercury for the RV's and...
I got all my 12pt hardware at specialty fasteners in Chino. I had to stand at the counter for about 30 minutes so they could look up each shoulder I needed on my list.
Took my son to the Dirt today. He did pretty darn good for being 7 and driving along side some really good adults. I did not do so great. I'm going to try and get him in to some kids races soon. Gotta get him a new body and some wheels and tires
I have a Kyosho nitro 2wd project truck for free if anyone wants it. These are super cool but I just rebuilt my rc10gt and my scte. I don't want another project. Needs a radio and receiver. There are a couple engines in parts but might be able to get one running. Definitely a project.