Recent content by punkur67

  1. punkur67

    It's Saturday March 8th 2025.. What is everyone doing this weekend?

    My body ain't built for that sh!t anymore. I haven't done an installation in years. Definitely hurting today
  2. punkur67

    It's Saturday March 8th 2025.. What is everyone doing this weekend?

    Just got home after 2 days of installing 2 air conditioners for a co-worker.
  3. punkur67

    Used my exhaust air jack for the first time!

    I have one. My 4cyl subie wouldn't lift my car but a NA v8 lifted it with ease
  4. punkur67

    Leno’s Law Classic Car Enthusiasts - SB712 moving the goal posts from 1975 to 35yrs old

    I use Hagerty for my Fairlane and it's only $350 a year
  5. punkur67

    Auto insurance

    I just got my renewal and went up 35% and last year it went up 25%. My agent had to split my policy and saved $1k a year. Still a big jump from last year. He said the insurance companies couldn't raise rates during COVID and they are now playing catch up. We have Mercury for the RV's and...
  6. punkur67

    Looks Like Epsteins List is becomming Public Today !!

    Too many people with power on that list. It will end up being a nothingburger
  7. punkur67

    Suspension Bolts

    I got all my 12pt hardware at specialty fasteners in Chino. I had to stand at the counter for about 30 minutes so they could look up each shoulder I needed on my list.
  8. punkur67

    Got back in to RC cars

    New body, wheels, and tires on the scte. Planning on taking my son to race other kids at pepertree rc the next time they have a kids race
  9. punkur67

    PSA: Safe Places to Stop

    Blows me away. Anytime we have a breakdown we always put someone at the top of the hill to warn other drivers
  10. punkur67

    Got back in to RC cars

    Took my son to the Dirt today. He did pretty darn good for being 7 and driving along side some really good adults. I did not do so great. I'm going to try and get him in to some kids races soon. Gotta get him a new body and some wheels and tires
  11. punkur67

    Show us your Cool desert finds

    Yes it's a MK23 practice bomb
  12. punkur67

    Gun porn

    Super jealous! Atlas pistols are in a league of their own.
  13. punkur67

    Got back in to RC cars

    I blame myself for dragging you back in! Haha
  14. punkur67

    Got back in to RC cars

    I have a Kyosho nitro 2wd project truck for free if anyone wants it. These are super cool but I just rebuilt my rc10gt and my scte. I don't want another project. Needs a radio and receiver. There are a couple engines in parts but might be able to get one running. Definitely a project. Gone...
  15. punkur67

    It's Saturday Feb 1st 2025.. What is everyone doing this weekend?

    Completely wasted weekend. Been sick since Thursday night. Had aches and a fever the whole time. I hate getting sick, it's such a waste of time