Recent content by Pennywise

  1. Pennywise

    AZ buggy registration.

    You can use your California mailing address. Using the online portal seems to be the easiest way to pay, transfer and keep track of your AZ vehicles. Maybe call Quick Stop and ask if they can do it for you by mail.
  2. Pennywise

    WTB Funco 2D nose cone

    Wanted to buy a Funco 2D nose cone, if you have one let me know I'll take it. Alex 714-420-4331
  3. Pennywise

    Getting stuck is a problem

    Airing down if your chassis is touching the sand isn't going to help. If you let the chassis hit sand you are f'd. Time to start digging or get a tug.
  4. Pennywise

    Any reports on 2025 Maverick R 2-seater

    Yeah I have been eyeing the pro r too.
  5. Pennywise

    Any reports on 2025 Maverick R 2-seater

    Thinking about getting one. I’m still going to have a sand car but have a few friends that are all sxs and following them is not that fun in a sand car. They look good, no belt is a big plus. Anyone have any experience or friends with one?
  6. Pennywise

    Motorhome & Enclosed or 5th wheel and why?

    When we had small kids the 5th wheel was the better set up because of room. It was nice to have a truck if you needed to go somewhere. We tried both ways and the RV with kids was a pain trying to keep it organized & having to make beds then turn them back to functioning furniture. It sucked on...
  7. Pennywise

    So who are the builders of Sandcars now?

    They are in Chino, they have options for new 2 & 4 seat cars they are an updated version of the Sand Pro 2. Give Ed a call (909) 230-9797 he can go over all the options. The mid-engine that they just re-did is not for sale but they do have a 2-seat rear engine roller for sale. It has a full 3D...
  8. Pennywise

    What happened to desert dynamics

    Yes, that sucks. I won't recommend him again. The DD cars are great, SU makes a leading edge A-arm car too. The new Sand Pro 3 is pretty badass. Raised mid rail, radius roof, larger shocks, front bulk head and fortin rack, added some X bracing in places.
  9. Pennywise

    So who are the builders of Sandcars now?

    SU is still building cars too
  10. Pennywise

    Turbo Honda 2D or S4

    Thanks, would you run the smaller R&P and 930’s with the S5?
  11. Pennywise

    Turbo Honda 2D or S4

    Looking for some people with experience running a Turbo Honda & S4. Building a light weight 2-seat car for my son. Going to run a 450-500hp turbo Honda & 33’s tire. Obviously a 2D can get the job done but is there a down side to the S4/S5? Is going to the larger box a diminished return because...
  12. Pennywise

    What happened to desert dynamics

    Jimbo that worked for Dave is building cars still 760-792-9385
  13. Pennywise

    The GM52 Funco Hustler clone conversion

    Big NA is the way to go, I love mine in the Funco. Sucks on the Subi, seems like that set up was cursed from the get go.
  14. Pennywise

    Fuel cell on open flat trailer?

    I sold that Aluma but I have another one coming. I'll update on the fuel set we do on it.
  15. Pennywise

    2023 PJ B6 20x8.5 Car Hauler

    I bought this in December 2023, its had a few trips on it but like new. I added a winch & battery. Retail was $9800, I'd like to get $8,000