Recent content by mike dee

  1. M

    Starter shims

    Any one have a brand or part# for a shim to a Hi-torque Starter( IMI-101NL) that couples against a 2D. I’ve exhausted all my searches.  Thanks
  2. M

    Happy New Year 2024 Glamis Fams!!

    Happy Holidays
  3. M

    Happy Birthday John@Outfront

    Happy birthday Johnathon
  4. M

    Happy Birthday to the one and only Grease Monkey!!

    Happy birfday GM! You are the man
  5. M

    How many leo's does it take to kill a dinosaur? (12)

    Exactly! … well said GM
  6. M

    Happy Birthday Lil'Moni77

    Happy Birfday girl! 
  7. M

    Happy Birthday JD Meister

    Happy birfday JayD
  8. M

    Homemade Mac & Chz

    Sorry, secret recipe 
  9. M

    So who is the coward?

    Why is this world being so sensitive? This is just men being men. Live a little. Good god
  10. M

    Wtb Rugged H22 headset

    Looking for a headset for a small project I’m starting. Let me know if you have one or two available for sale or what not. Thanks
  11. M

    Re-panel Toy Hauler

    My older TH is sunbeaten and the graphics have all cracked over the years and want to re-panel it.  Does anyone have a good recommendation to get this done? Thanks in advance.
  12. M

    Got my SAN DIEGO Charger Girl back !!! Missed her Big Time

    Click bait thread title… should report but won’t! looks great though… sure has a nice ass!
  13. M

    Looking for quality sound bar

    Looking for a good sound bar for the wife’s Razor.  Not interested in anything much more.  I listened to a couple at the SSSS show that we’re ok but can’t remember any names.  Any recommendations would be appreciated, thanks GDdotcom.