Recent content by matt86m

  1. matt86m

    Daytona Bike Week - Here we come

    Tail of the Dragon is fun, ride it both directions if you can!
  2. matt86m

    Auto insurance

    Insurance companies SUCK!!! Just removed a car from the policy, no more multi car discount. Single car went up, oddly enough im now paying the same for 1 car that I used to pay for both!
  3. matt86m

    Help needed evaluating sand rail

    That would be Mosebuilt
  4. matt86m

    Daytona Bike Week - Here we come Must see!
  5. matt86m

    2 Seat S&S Car - Turbo V6- PRICE DROP!!

    Car ran great in G! GM V6 is peppy and a solid motor. $30K obo
  6. matt86m

    Got a new sumptin sumptin to build

    I'm not alone! Although I did get 2/3's of my order but their QC was crap
  7. matt86m

    Any Porsche Guru's Here?

    I know, just being a smarta$$
  8. matt86m

    Any Porsche Guru's Here?

    You want a classic! 1987 Porsche 924s (has the 944 motor in it) Look how much $$ you'll save!!! :LOL:
  9. matt86m

    2 Seat S&S Car - Turbo V6- PRICE DROP!!

    Car is in Safford, AZ Will be in Glamis Feb 6-10
  10. matt86m

    Happy Birthday Grease Monkey

    Happy birthday my friend! Let's get lunch soon!
  11. matt86m

    Got a new sumptin sumptin to build

    Today was a good day
  12. matt86m

    ATV Ramps

    Thanks, looking for some that can take the weight of a Harley
  13. matt86m

    ATV Ramps

    Is there a weight rating on them?
  14. matt86m

    Got a new sumptin sumptin to build

    PSA is on the way! Got the email about refunds from Aero, just waiting on them to hit the CC.