Recent content by Kraut_n_Rice

  1. Kraut_n_Rice

    Gun porn

  2. Kraut_n_Rice

    AZ buggy registration.

    Don't know. Last time I sold a car I had the paper title.
  3. Kraut_n_Rice

    AZ buggy registration.

    The AZ MVD will let you have a physical address and a mailing address that are not the same.
  4. Kraut_n_Rice

    My 2006 Wuerth Motorsports Build

    It would've had to shear that long bolt first. I'll bet the bend line in it matches up with the lower part of the knuckle just below the snout line. It probably bent because the knuckle cracked and was just trying to hold the whole show together.
  5. Kraut_n_Rice

    Racer Front Engine Sand Car - Why?

    These ones look pretty sweet.
  6. Kraut_n_Rice

    The official Honda Thread

    The easiest on would be the A3. The A1 has a different oil pump cover and belt tensioner. There is no A2. The A6 is second gen, all different chit.
  7. Kraut_n_Rice

    Buggy wiring

    Thanks guys.
  8. Kraut_n_Rice

    Buggy wiring

    Friend of a Friend is looking to get his baja wired. Sounds like it would be a front to back job. Not sure about DOT lighting. It has VW for power. From what I understand it's a fresh build and is in the final stages of the fab. Pic I saw it was a roller. Sounds simple but I don't have...
  9. Kraut_n_Rice

    Honda Manual

    This would be relative for 99% of all early J series engines stuff. Odyssey, Pilot, Accord, TL/CL, MDX...
  10. Kraut_n_Rice

    Auto insurance

    Don't think I've even had a glass claim in the last 2 years.
  11. Kraut_n_Rice

    Auto insurance

    My Hagerty policy is about to renew on the TBSS. Went up to around $ thanks. Called my AmFam guy, it was way more for just regular coverage. WTF?
  12. Kraut_n_Rice

    Auto insurance

    Earlier this year I removed 2 of the 4 cars on my policy as they are not being driven. When my policy renewed it was more for the 2 than the 4. ..the fuq? Internet quotes.. Switching from AmFam to Progressive, I would pay less for full coverage on my '04 Honda, '05 Jeep, '07 TBSS COMBINED...
  13. Kraut_n_Rice

    JD'S Memes

    These girls are asking where is brother is, as he just told them he was gonna "hemi swap" it.
  14. Kraut_n_Rice

    Auto insurance

    Had to file a claim?
  15. Kraut_n_Rice

    Honda v6 with fuel tech--any help for fellow duner

    Do you have the car at your shop?