Recent content by Justdirt

  1. J

    Generators what do you like

    Westinghouse / Cummins 4500 remote start works great will run one ac use to run my all electric Moho
  2. J

    2024 SCU Pro Bro 2

    These cars definitely handle really well
  3. J

    As a parent do you ever lose the anxiety for your kids?

    Absolutely hasn’t gone away one 23yr old son has a pro r now supercharged . Also has a good career ahead of him and has a attitude like his dad
  4. J

    New Brewery, close to the dunes Saint Anthony ID.

    Let’s plan on that again
  5. J

    Wide body stackers

    Only an assumption on this trailer search having delt with it my self today’s std of wide body is a 102” rear door opening looking for aluminum trailer construction . I live in northern Nevada weather is terrible rain/snow/sun
  6. J

    New Brewery, close to the dunes Saint Anthony ID.

    I don’t usually drink but it your buying I might . We will be coming to see Marie the first week of August
  7. J

    2025 Intech 26’ V nose wide body

    5700 lbs
  8. J

    2025 Intech 26’ V nose wide body

    2025 26’ v nose 2” extra height icon package 101.5” rear door opening winch door loading winch spare tire in floor generator compartment with slide two 40gl fuel tanks mezzanine have full build sheet 62k looking for a stalker to hual commuter car has to have 101” door opening will get more pics
  9. J

    Wide body stackers

    I didn’t build a stacker but I sell everything
  10. J

    New Executive Order Affects Glamis

    So I was camping in wash14 last weekend I was a guest in a new camp they played music pretty damn loud but only till 10pm or so I heard fireworks at 4:30 am Saturday I believe I was laughing because I was already drinking coffee
  11. J

    85? 100? Or crf150?

    Crf150r big wheel is a bitchen bike
  12. J

    Tool Talk

    Milwaukee for at least 25% snap on /mac I have been collecting for 32yrs My dune tools mainly come from buying and selling trailers
  13. J


    Swing by for a beer or ten
  14. J


    Need to change the oil on the car and load back in the trailer should be there Wednesday morning
  15. J

    How many people here actually have the correct license?

    Negative 42k Moho and 12k trailer class c let my class a go when I got my Nevada license