Recent content by EmpirE231

  1. EmpirE231

    Generators what do you like

    the Yamaha 4500 inverter generator is super quiet and I would assume can run the loads you need. I have one as a backup I keep in the garage, it is impressive how quiet it is. Thing has about 950+ hours and still runs great. Lent it out to a friend during the fires as he was without power and...
  2. EmpirE231

    AZ buggy registration.

    do you know if you have to go in person to do a title transfer or if it can be done online / through the mail? (this is for a sandcar)
  3. EmpirE231

    AZ buggy registration.

    quickstop looks to be a 3rd party registration service company?
  4. EmpirE231

    Rear hub upgrade

    I had gear one stuff (934 midboards) on my BFD and it was perfect for the 7ish years I owned the car. I'd go gear one
  5. EmpirE231

    AZ buggy registration.

    Does the AZ DMV have a process via mail? or do you have to do it in person? buggy has a current AZ title.... looking to transfer it into my name. I have an AZ address..... but have also heard you can still use a CA mailing address? Is this true?
  6. EmpirE231

    Shocks... Cerakote Vs. Powdercoat

    I am very picky lol. Those look great! Were those done with steel it or cerakote?
  7. EmpirE231

    BFD twin turbo sandcar SALE PENDING

    Yep sold. Sorry forgot to update.
  8. EmpirE231

    Supercross/Outdoor Motorcross

    What happened recently with Carmichael? I watch all the races but skip through the drama.
  9. EmpirE231

    Shocks... Cerakote Vs. Powdercoat

    Steel-it seems to be the ticket, also considering you don't have to take apart a perfectly good shock. Does it hold up pretty well on the threaded bodies? or should those be cerakoted? definitely plan for powder on the springs
  10. EmpirE231

    Auto insurance

    This is all true! Every carrier in the state of CA is filing for rate increases.... due to rates being frozen for almost 2 years after covid, thanks to the insurance commissioner in CA.... he pretty much single handedly screwed up the CA insurance market trying to play politics
  11. EmpirE231

    Auto insurance

    Progressive is a decent carrier w/ good service. They are considered more of a "standard carrier: and not a " preferred carrier" so do not expect top notch service if you are leaving a preferred carrier to switch to progressive. Who do you currently have your auto insurance with?
  12. EmpirE231

    Shocks... Cerakote Vs. Powdercoat

    Hmm... what did you do to prep the surface? and did you dissemble the shocks to do it? how does it hold up to the sandblasting from following someone?
  13. EmpirE231

    Shocks... Cerakote Vs. Powdercoat

    What holds up better in the sand world? Have some KING shock bodies that can use a freshen up, and trying to debate between the two? Looking to just do a solid black, either satin or semi-gloss. any other pros/cons to using either one?
  14. EmpirE231

    Clutches! Weddle Vs KEP

    I ended up going back to a Kennedy clutch. Stage 3 I believe and it has been great. No noticeable difference from the weddle clutch and 1/2 the price.