Recent content by ElCaminoManT

  1. ElCaminoManT

    So. Is everyone ok over here???

    No issues in Ramona so far however am concerned about the forecasted winds later today and especially tonight. It can get downright hairy where I'm at and if something sparks up, it won't be good. Unreal what is happening north of here tho, holy shit :(
  2. ElCaminoManT

    Got daughters?

    Not here. Wife is a teacher and also has to deal with me :LOL: Have 2 nephews and 2 little nieces tho and they're pretty rad since they aren't my problems to deal with :LOL: Doubt they'll be into G sand tho as my brother hasn't been out there in many years.
  3. ElCaminoManT

    It's Saturday Oct 12th 2024.. What is everyone doing this weekend?

    Took the moho to Hurkey Creek Park
  4. ElCaminoManT

    My son loading a quad for the first time..

    I have this tri-fold deal from HF that has a pair of chains for keeping the ramps from spitting out. In my case, they hook to the bottom of the bumper perfectly.
  5. ElCaminoManT

    Looking for a Diesel Mechanic

    Check with Maximum Diesels in San Jacinto, if you're willing to drive a little further than Temecula.
  6. ElCaminoManT

    What Sub sammy works for you?

    Ahem, churching it up are we?
  7. ElCaminoManT

    What Sub sammy works for you?

    Peppered Cali from Submarina.
  8. ElCaminoManT

    What Sub sammy works for you?

    There's one off the 15/Foothill Blvd FYI. Also 215/Murrieta Hot Springs Rd
  9. ElCaminoManT

    Any Havasu/Parker/River peeps recognize this “Golf Cart”?

    My brother found this 1989 48V Cushman Courtesy Carrier on Marketplace last weekend and I picked it up for him out of San Marcos. Curious if anyone recognizes it by chance? Story we got from the seller that he got when he bought it some years ago is that it was done up to match the owner’s...
  10. ElCaminoManT

    Wayback Machine

    Wow Joined:: 19-November 02 Profile Views: 467* 26 years old Location OG 909'er!! now reside in east county 619 Member Group: Members "Brotherhood of the Slap" Member# 2477
  11. ElCaminoManT

    What do you do for work?

    I torture myself by working on German cars for a living since 2001. Yeah, that's a $35,000 RS6 engine I was replacing. 🤦🏼‍♂️
  12. ElCaminoManT

    It's Saturday Sept 21st 2024.. What is everyone doing this weekend?

    Since it’s legal to drive golf carts in our community I’ve been spending far too much time and money screwing around with these vehicles lately. Picked up another one on Saturday out of La Quinta. This one is a bit goofy looking but it makes up for that with power and speed. Has already been...
  13. ElCaminoManT

    What do ya run in the dirt?

    Yeah CA. Rockwood posted the coords. In Fish Creek Wash, a bit beyond the turn out for Diablo Dropoff. Street legal only but it’s getting crowded. I avoid OW north of 78 unless it’s a super off weekend. TDS weekend is effing madness!
  14. ElCaminoManT

    What do ya run in the dirt?

    Sandstone Canyon south of Ocotillo Wells