Recent content by Drupanddown

  1. Drupanddown

    This is BS

    This is nice Did the party animals mention where they were from? Mabe locals figuring this is my back yard.
  2. Drupanddown

    Old school cool.... J&J

    Not sure about silicone but the bolts on the boot should be at 3 or 9 o clock not 12 so the boot can flex Awesome car!!!
  3. Drupanddown

    How’s your summer prep coming along?

    Struggle is real two boys in tackle football and another in travel soccer. House re model has been going since July and still going. Dez toys got pushed to the back burner Buggy got put back in the trailer on its own power MLK weekend but will need, CVs prep, fluids and filters. Motorhome...
  4. Drupanddown

    How many Members actually still go to Glamis?

    Youth sports has me pinned down at this time in my life Travel soccor, tackle football and little league baseball dam near takes the whole year  only made it out twice this year to glamis and once to gordens  Carry on 
  5. Drupanddown

    Its Saturday Dec 30th 2023.. What is everyone doing this weekend?

    Not glamis but Been in the Dez since Xmas day with friends and family, had to change the water pump in my Honda but she’s still a runner 
  6. Drupanddown

    Pics thread.

  7. Drupanddown

    Its Saturday DEC 9TH what is everyone doing this weekend

    Working this shot was on the 7th ship pulled in with a fly by over head
  8. Drupanddown

    Any Glamis plans for Thanksgiving?

    Yes sir 2003 3126B 
  9. Drupanddown

    Any Glamis plans for Thanksgiving?

    Got to gordens Saturday will stay here till Tuesday than will move to superstition till Sunday  The w is kicking up this morning my boys are having a blast in the dunes