The wealthy guy ($2m in cars, $5m ski cabin in Park City, etc) seems to be doing everything in his power to help me. We txt every day. I'm very polite, but I did tell him that I want (1) my car, (2) my $ back or (3) I'll see him in court. I'm fine with any of those outcomes. Even though he's...
@THD I think you are close. I don't think the wealthy guy I bought it from is in on it; but there is a shady auto dealership in TX that bought it from the guy who bought if from storage auction. I suspect the auto dealer is in on it or at least knew something was fishy. There does seem to be...
@Jalper - sounds similar. LEO knows I'm not the problem, BUT I'm still out the $$. I think the scam went like this: Shady 25 year old Romanian soccer player leases a fancy car from shady 'mafia' leasing company in LA (you can search Midway leasing on F' book). Shady 25 year old (with no...
that is true; dmv called washoe county sheriff when I was trying to register the car. Immediately they knew (probably did a quick background check) that I was not the guilty party. (FWIW, I have passed very high level FBI and ATF background checks for various pew-pews and ccw in NV. My...
The car does not show as stolen on any database I can search (carfax, etc). Apparently when I went to register it at NV DMV; the VIN shows as stolen on NCIC. (national criminal database that only law enforcement has access to). Guy I bought it from is a wealthy ($2m+ in cars) guy and did not...
No, LAPD does not want to help as my name is not on title yet (I was in process of titling car when it was impounded). Yes I have insurance on the car. Car only showed as stolen on NCIC (which only law enforcement can access) so essentially carfax is garbage...... Car was impounded by Reno...
So I am wrapped up in a transaction with a stolen vehicle. (I am 1000% the victim as I paid fair market value for a car with a clean carfax) and the car is now reported stolen. Not stolen on any carfax, vinaudit, etc. database I can find, but supposedly on NCIC database (I cannot access that as...
Posting this as I am in NV and far enough down the rabbit hole to dent my tin foil hat. Curious to hear other people's thoughts (knowing that there are a lot of AZ and So CA peeps here) about the future of the USA over the next 6 months. Here in Reno area; EVERYONE supports Trump. I know the...
Thanks everyone. That is why I made the post. I figured the engine would be worth $2k, but maybe I'm way off. I'm into sand toys and dirt bikes and I know a good 4t dirtbike (KTM) engine can go for $2500-3500. That was my thinking at least.
Got this from a 'buddy' who was going through a divorce and needed money. I lent him the $ and he skipped town. Idk what it is worth or who made the frame; but want it out of my garage. TIA for any help. There is a VIN on frame and SN on engine.
just bought two 200 ah Renogy batteries and two 550w panels from them. More than I wanted to spend, but....... Between the victron inverter, solar charger, shunt, smart dongle, cerbo GX, etc. almost have my whole system pieced together.
dunesport will build you one (they will build anything you want); but the interior finishes are not 'prevost' level :/ The one they built for me is a 30' bumper pull with room for full sand car in the back and a 2 seat RzR in front of it and it has a side patio with sliding door (towards the...