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May 1, 2021
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As of July, 662,566 Illegal Immigrants on ICE’s Docket Have a Criminal History

These are, in many cases, violent criminals. Some 62,231 were convicted of assault, 14,301 were convicted of burglary, and 13,099 were convicted of homicide. An additional 2,521 have kidnapping convictions and 15,811 have sexual-assault convictions.

There are an additional 1,845 with pending homicide charges, 42,915 with assault charges, 3,266 with burglary charges, and 4,250 with assault charges. ICE records showed 792 illegal immigrants on their docket convicted of arson, 2,200 convicted of “commercialized sex offenses,” 9,461 convicted of sex offenses not involving assault or commercialized sex, and 13,413 convicted of “weapon charges.”

Sleep tight, America!

***None of these #s include stats of the >2million got aways in the last 3.5 years

Meanwhile, you have pieces of shit in the mainstream media with headlines and articles like Trump and allies mischaracterize data on immigrants with criminal convictions. Here's context on what the numbers actually show. ...their argument isn't with the ICE reports or congressional oversight numbers... it's about the fact that some of the convicted felon illegals Trump cited were in country before Biden... that's it, they aren't arguing the are here and causing problems, just the time that they came across.

Pretty crazy... in this very forum we used to argue about the number of illegals in the country and most thought 8mil was impossible with the POS illegal apologizers claiming it was down around 4mil. There's more than 10 million encounters along under Biden...

I sympathize with people wanting a better life... but this is absolute bullshit. Countries are dumping their derelicts at our borders and these clowns are welcoming them in and paying for everything they want or need with my money...
There are about 7.6Mil here, that ICE has a file on.

Since forever, there has been a shortage of Immigration Judges, which makes a backlog of available hearing dates, and people wait years for a hearing.

Right now, the ICE Detainers are being contested in courts...IOW, If they FAX a form, to a jail, that says hold Juan for us, they won't honor it. So, ICE has to be there to get the guy before he is released. The Detainers were considered enough for years, and they would hold a guy for 72 hours (if memory is correct).

The sanctuary cities won't allow ICE in their wasn't that long ago that jails were processing aliens for removal...I "Think" LA County was doing that.

ICE needs to be expanded in atleast 1 area....Worksite Enforcement (They check the I-9s of people hired) AND CBP needs to be expanded at seaports (BTW, it is NOT, Customs and Border Patrol). BTW, the smallest area, of employment, that aliens work in is Ag....behind services, and manufacturing. The number of shipping containers that arrive by ship, and then get inspected is next to nothing. The tariff on a crude part, lets just say nails, is next to nutN. But, the tariff on computers, or "Technical" stuff is much higher. If you send 100 containers a month, and less than 5% get inspected....Guess how many of them are "Miss-labeled" intentionally. If that stuff was being seized, they could sell it off, and that would pay the salaries on all the new me on this.

Venezuela won't allow ICE to repatriate their illegals...

Man, did you have to get me stirred up.

The last number that I say on the cost of illegal aliens was $156B...look up how many kids are in ESL programs in your school district.
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Venezuela won't allow ICE to repatriate their illegals...
I've heard this a few times but how they gonna stop us? I know Trump says he'll tell them to take em back or we won't buy your oil and stuff but even if we did keep buying their shit how they keep us from sending them back if we're handling the logistics? They gonna fight us over it. Ok. Come on!
We have been watching To Catch a Smuggler on Nat Geo lately and wow the shit people try and bring into the US. And then the amount of asylum people is ridiculous. What get me is the disclaimer at the end of the show that says most are given reduced or no charges at all. Frustrating to watch at times.
If you don't remove the benefits of coming to the US, it will never end.

Humans will find a way to a better life, we make it too easy with the lack of enforcement and sanctuary crap.

Is it true that the FEMA funds funded all these illegals? And now FEMA help needed in GA / FL / Carolinas areas, FEMA is Broke? Peace
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Is it true that the FEMA funds funded all these illegals? And now FEMA help needed in GA / FL / Carolinas areas, FEMA is Broke? Peace

I hate this topic as it only makes my blood boil.
I don't care how much groceries will cost or if my burrito would get rolled properly. Deport these people. If their countries won't take them back, establish a prison colony in Alaska. I'm so fucking tired of these people getting everything while Veterans and Americans suffer.

And as Cheff money to help Americans suffering a natural disaster because we misappropriated funds to spend on illegals.
What if the 435,000 and 13,099 numbers represented a time period of over 40 years ?

Still 435,001 too many

And the cato institute is an open borders “libertarian” psychopath organization. They are the libertarian version of the squad

Some positions they hold
No borders
Legalize all drugs
no age limits for sexual interactions ie legal pedophelia
No voter id
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Read more here, or don't. It's yore choice to learn "more, not all" of the truth or be fed propaganda during election time.

Snopes is an actual parody of what it was intended to be and their bias over the last few years puts their credibility up there with the fact checkers from Facebook that said Trump's pic was altered and had to walk it back.
FEMA's Disaster Relief Fund was appropriated $20 billion in the continuing resolution that passed a few weeks ago. If they need more $$, the President can ask congress to reconvene and pass a supplemental bill. This is Schoolhouse Rock level discourse . . .
Still 435,001 too many

And the cato institute is an open borders “libertarian” psychopath organization. They are the libertarian version of the squad

Some positions they hold
No borders
Legalize all drugs
no age limits for sexual interactions ie legal pedophelia
No voter id

It may be too many, but that is not how this "story" was framed by conservative media or in the original post of this thread. Lots of other sources out there reporting the same thing as CATO.
Venezuela won't allow ICE to repatriate their illegals...
I might know a guy, let me check with him to see if he has any frequent flyer miles to Venezuela. From what I have heard is they fly them home walk them up to the immigration people at the airport and say here is one of yours that got lost, turn and get back on the next flight out.
It may be too many, but that is not how this "story" was framed by conservative media or in the original post of this thread. Lots of other sources out there reporting the same thing as CATO.
Still 435,001 too many regardless of timeframe or what media is reporting and how its framed. Stop being distracted by crap that doesn't matter and only serves to divide people more. So what they claim its over 40 years. Guess we should just forget it? Eff no. Plug the damn hole. Why anyone has faith in govt left or right is beyond me. 1 rapist or murdered allowed in is too many. 1 child smuggled into sex slavery is too many.

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