What Defines A Man


Forum Moderator
May 1, 2021
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100,000 years of evolution (or more) has set certain tidbits of knowledge.
Men are defined by what they do.
Take that away, no good follows.
Women, the caretakers of family are defined by how they feel.
They nurture, reproduce, and support the family.
Take those things away what remains? (Not much)
Today, several anti family cultural thought processes
are taking hold due to brain washing by social media.
If you think these things are accidental, you may be wrong.
Men started out as the "Hunter Gatherer For His Family".
The women chose a mate based on his success providing food.
It's true there may have been issues on who was the "A" Dog.
That seems to be natures way. Man after all is mammal.
I got lucky, my wife had not been to college, and had not been
corrupted by the"Woke BS".
Yore mileage will vary.
Ta Ta For Now.
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not sure I understand the “issues with a who was the a dog” bit..