San Diego Powder and Protective Coating raided

From the article:
In October 2022, federal agents began investigating San Diego Powder and Protective Coatings for allegedly employing undocumented immigrants.

How fucking obvious did they have to be for The Biden Administration to notice? Jesus.
I worked for a construction company in the late 90s to 2000s and we had this guy Isaias (that's what we knew him by anyway) that worked for us under like 5 or 6 different SSNs and names. None of them were Isaias.
Had a guy at the golf course I worked at around the same time come back after a short leave with a new name. Happened again so when the uniform guy asked his name l said Leroy. He wore the uniforms with Leroy on them for the rest of his time there probably another 8 or 9 years.
Sister in law worked for a large corporation that hired them in droves....they would submit their SS info, it would get rejected, they would give them different numbers etc, it would get rejected...they just kept asking them for they couldn't get one that would pass in 18 months or so, they would let them go, most sailed thru until they got contacted about bogus info, they the employee would usually quit showing up for work.... just a fucking game........except for the people whose SS info was being stolen...for them it was a PITA.
My SS# was used by a woman in Texas when I was about 20. Nothing horrible, just using it for tax purposes. A Texas ranger actually came to the house to verify I was who they thought I was. I had no recourse at the time. Haven't heard about the issue since.
My SS# was used by a woman in Texas when I was about 20. Nothing horrible, just using it for tax purposes. A Texas ranger actually came to the house to verify I was who they thought I was. I had no recourse at the time. Haven't heard about the issue since.
Were they paying into your S.S. retirement account by also using your # :LOL:
I worked for a construction company in the late 90s to 2000s and we had this guy Isaias (that's what we knew him by anyway) that worked for us under like 5 or 6 different SSNs and names. None of them were Isaias.
I was on a job in the late 90's where the Stucco Foreman (Jose) had until Friday to get his paperwork straightened out or he was going to be let go. Well on Friday they let him go. On Tuesday this new guy (Jaun) show's up looks just like Jose, Even answers to Jose. Jobsite scuttlebutt was that he used his kids SS#.