Old Images from 2008 (before the site crash) Now Available for Download

Admin Dude

Staff member
Apr 29, 2021
Reaction score
I've started cataloging all the images from before the site crashed and am making them available for members to re-download.

You can browse the different images by clicking the appropriate links below. The first gallery contains uncategorized images from posts as well as users old avatars.  If you remember your old member id, you should be able to find your avatar.  Images are listed as follows "post-XXXX-YYYYYYYYYYYY.jpg" where the XXXX = your old member id.  For example my old member number was 1354. I can then scroll through the list until I start seeing images that begin with post-1354- to know those are images I uploaded in a post. The list is in alphabetical order not member number numerical order meaning post-10382-YYYYYYYYYY will show before post-232-YYYYYYYYYYY (I hope this makes sense). In Firefox, as you mouse over an image it shows the file name in the lower left of your screen. I just leave my mouse pointed at an image and use pgup/pgdn keys to see the file names and how close I'm getting to my post number as I <PgDn> the image list. When you click on the image thumbnail, it will show the full image with a blue "download original".  Don't click the download button, instead  Right mouse click on the download button and click "Save link as...", otherwise the image will just open in a now browser tab.  From there you can click the "Next" button at the top of the image and repeat the "Save As" process, until you have downloaded all of your images 😊 

Old Images :

Uncategorized Images and Avatars <- Over 80,000 images in this one category

Images uploaded 01-2008

Images uploaded 02-2008

Images uploaded 03-2008

Images uploaded 04-2008

Images uploaded 05-2008

Images uploaded 06-2008

Images uploaded 07-2008

Images uploaded 08-2008

Images uploaded 09-2008

Images uploaded 10-2008

Images uploaded 11-2008

Images uploaded 12-2008

I will update this list as I get the images archived.  I have to do every month through 04-2021, so it's a lot of time and images to process, so please be patient.

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Your old member id is 9322.  Are you sure? LOL

Damn FNG, that will take like the next 20 years to get through all that.  I hope they are paying you well, LOL.

Some oldest pics I have.  (Not necessarily taken by me) When I'm back to work ill comment on who/what they are to my best ability. 

Thought about a thread earlier today to post up old pics site related. 

I will say the large group photo was from the "fast guy ride" from Halloween? 2005ish?




bigHallowwen ride.jpg



I've started cataloging all the images from before the site crashed and am making them available for members to re-download.

You can browse the different images by clicking the appropriate links below. The first gallery contains uncategorized images from posts as well as users old avatars.  If you remember your old member id, you should be able to find your avatar.  Images are listed as follows "post-XXXX-YYYYYYYYYYYY.jpg" where the XXXX = your old member id.  For example my old member number was 1354. I can then scroll through the list until I start seeing images that begin with post-1354- to know those are images I uploaded in a post. The list is in alphabetical order not member number numerical order meaning post-10382-YYYYYYYYYY will show before post-232-YYYYYYYYYYY (I hope this makes sense). In Firefox, as you mouse over an image it shows the file name in the lower left of your screen. I just leave my mouse pointed at an image and use pgup/pgdn keys to see the file names and how close I'm getting to my post number as I <PgDn> the image list. When you click on the image thumbnail, it will show the full image with a blue "download original".  Don't click the download button, instead  Right mouse click on the download button and click "Save link as...", otherwise the image will just open in a now browser tab.  From there you can click the "Next" button at the top of the image and repeat the "Save As" process, until you have downloaded all of your images 😊 

Old Images :

Uncategorized Images and Avatars <- Over 80,000 images in this one category

Images uploaded 01-2008

Images uploaded 02-2008

Images uploaded 03-2008

Images uploaded 04-2008

Images uploaded 05-2008

Images uploaded 06-2008

Images uploaded 07-2008

Images uploaded 08-2008

Images uploaded 09-2008

Images uploaded 10-2008

Images uploaded 11-2008

Images uploaded 12-2008

I will update this list as I get the images archived.  I have to do every month through 04-2021, so it's a lot of time and images to process, so please be patient.
H - I'm sure you're sick of people bringing this up...but the historical data we all want is missed.  Questions for you:

1. Is there by chance a way to get a large zip file we can download of pics?  I'd be willing to send a usb stick, external drive, etc...putting the pictures in say a google share would allow you to search for random things..."motor" "blue car" etc.

2. IF pictures were able to be saved - is there by chance a large txt / html / database raw file that essentially has all of the previous posts in it?  I understand getting all of the posts back in order is not an option at this point, but even being able to search a large file via a txt search would be cool.  Same thing - if it is and I can send a USB stick or external drive to get a copy that would be awesome.  I'd try to do something with it and if I was able to make it useful, I'd share of course.  


What took so long????  Geez.....I figured we'd get better service for our monthly dues....  Oh wait....never mind...carry on.....  Great job on getting those....

Going through the pics...I have no idea who this is, but this is RAD!



Great Advertisement for ATC70 Bead-locks :lol:

Going through the pics...I have no idea who this is, but this is RAD!


He is from Australia / that atc 70 has a custom made lay down 250r motor he made

he wa on gd I believe 

the green human was his name

he has some cool you tube videos. The bike got stolen at one point

