January DOTM Nominations

I’m finally getting caught up
And need to send a few of these out..
I nominate @ChEFF I did a tune up on one of his atc 70s for him (carb was plugged and just a complete mess)/ My wife sat outside with me and helped get it all nice and up to snuff.....she even polised the aluminium wheels !!!!! it looked awesome!

Cheffwrote her the best THANK YOU NOTE and put a Hundy $100 a benjamin !!! inside for her to go shopping! (if you know my wife Mia, she loves the deals at Marshalls and TJ Maxx ! Cheff MADE HER DAY !!!!!! She lit up like a Christmas Tree !!!!!

Cheers to Da Cheff of Da World !!!!
I nominate @RIDERED. He pulled me out of the dunes and back to camp New Year’s weekend when I broke my transaxle. He also helped get my sand rail back into my enclosed and has given me advice on doing the fabrication to get a better transaxle installed.
I was only one good deed.
He also slaved all day long to cook up an awesome Gumbo dinner for the entire camp in Glamis that weekend.
I nominate Rorschach. I found a bike for sale listed in Albuquerque. I reached out to him to see if he had space to store it for a couple weeks if I bought it. It turns out the seller actually lives about 4 hrs away. No where near him. He not only offered to store it but was willing to drive out halfway to meet the guy just to help me out. Keep in mind I have never met or spoken to Rorschach before. This is the epitome of Duners helping Duners.