Is the Wayback Machine in the cloud?

The phrase "The Cloud" is simply a computer folder on somebody's server somewhere you are not.
Yes, It's Almost "Rocket Science".
Could it pull up a MySpace page or old AOL Chat Rooms?

Asking for a friend.
I use it all the time for old catalogs, like Fortin Racing, and Taylor Wires,
Could it pull up a MySpace page or old AOL Chat Rooms?

Asking for a friend.
I used it to find old pricing on Tom Pro's website when he started to bend me over on my Hayabusa Car build.

He changed the price on the frame by a couple of G's and said he didn't. I showed him the old website screenshot and that was the day I began to realize the best Hayabusa Car builder was just a lying sack of shit... and he used my $6,000 deposit (made when the old site was up) to "just survive" in his words, during the '08 Recession.