I had some back problems last night, so I took a pain pill the wife had left over from knee replacement. Which kept me up past 230am, couldn't sleep, finally fall asleep. At 345am my dogs going nuts, barking like crazy. Wife says someones shining flashlites thru the front door. So I pull up the camera and its the cops. Great someone prob broke into my truck. I get a shirt and tell them I'm going to the garage door. Open it up and they said 4 juveniles broke into the neighbors house while she was asleep and wanted to see my cameras. I mean at 4am lol. So i pull it up on my phone and sure enough at 322am, they come between our cars, up by garage door and over to her house. Then they run off, then they come back, that's when they opened a window and climbed in.
Her son's dog was barking and then he heard blinds flapping in the wind. He screamed to his mom someone's in the house, so she calls the cops. they bolted and ran again right by my camera.
Talking to her today, the daughter was put into a behavioral center thursday after raiding their liquor cabinet and i guess the kids thought she was home, so they must have done this before. She already had an idea of one of the kids and called his mom, kid denied it, I showed her the video and she said yep that's him, he just lied to us on the phone.
Kids are lucky they weren't stacked up like wood as they entered the window, police are pursing breaking and entering on them once Id'd.
I think I fell asleep again at 5ish and alarm went off at 7, lol. what a night.
Freaking kids.................