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  1. Surf and Dune

    Sequential Gearbox - Do You Clutch or Not?

    Never used the clutch while shifting my Albins dog change H pattern. At least in my case, that trans had to be shited so quick to be in the "sweet spot", that using the clutch slowed the process too much.
  2. Surf and Dune

    Gun porn

    10 month wait. Atlas Apollo.
  3. Surf and Dune

    Pod Casts, what do you like?

    Piers Morgan. Its the only show I know of that has conservatives and liberals debate topics virtually every show.
  4. Surf and Dune

    Any Porsche Guru's Here?

    I would imagine a Carrera S would be plenty of car for most women. The price jump to a TurboS is substantial, and for that money if its just a weekend "fun" car, then I'd look at a GT3. Theres just no comparing the experience (sound) of a N/A flat six vs a turbo.
  5. Surf and Dune

    Any Porsche Guru's Here?

    I'll trade ya!
  6. Surf and Dune

    Pistol sights, what say you?

    I kind of like the green dot myself, although I think the SRO might be just a tiny bit sharper. I think the Holosuns shake on feature is nice even for just a range use gun, I've forgotten to turn off my SRO's more than once.
  7. Surf and Dune

    Pistol sights, what say you?

    FYI. Everything you shot last week was Trijicon SRO except for my Sig which had a Holosun EPS geen dot, and the Alien which is a proprietary optic. All 2 MOA.
  8. Surf and Dune

    Diamond Like Carbon Coating DLC

    I have Trijicon SROs (red dots)on my Staccato and Watchtower, and a Holosun green dot on my Sig. The Alien has its own proprietary optic. Iron sights on my CZs. I'll offer it again. If you want to come up one afternoon/evening , or the weekend, you can shoot anything I've got, and if my buddy...
  9. Surf and Dune

    Diamond Like Carbon Coating DLC

    I've shot about 1000 rds through it. It had a extraction problem every hundred rounds or so. I sent it in and they fixed the extractor and put a new grip on it. I had it back within a week of shipping it off. They have a lifetime warranty, will even replace if stolen lost or damaged . Not sure...
  10. Surf and Dune

    Diamond Like Carbon Coating DLC

    The PVD coating on the Watchtower guns are insane. Cerracote is like Rhino lining in comparison.
  11. Surf and Dune

    9mm semi handgun choices

    I was able to shoot my buddys Dan Wesson DWX a few weeks and was dissapointed. The CZ's had better ergonomics IMO.
  12. Surf and Dune

    9mm semi handgun choices

    Are you in CA Bobalos? Obviously makes a difference if you're looking for a "new" gun. For the most part, I'm pretty much in agreement with Punkur. That said, I think that for the money , there are better options than a Staccato. I have a Staccato P and its my least favorite. Main reason would...
  13. Surf and Dune

    Shooting with prescription glasses (mostly through a scope)

      Just stick with the .45. The new 9s are like crack...
  14. Surf and Dune

    Shooting with prescription glasses (mostly through a scope)

    I have a hell of a time shooting with my eyesight the way it is. I went to a optometrist a few months back and got some glasses that help. My problem is my right eye is naturally dominant, but my vision sucks with it compared to my left eye. When shooting iron sites, I have to use my non...
  15. Surf and Dune

    Since the old timers are showing up. Post up!!!

    Anyone remember this trip? The KOA on the backside of Salton Sea to Walkers Camp on the Colorado river. 110 miles one way. Big group of'ers mayber 20-30 vehicles convoyed. Next day, a few of us took a a bunch of fire roads to Glamis and back. A lot of miles that weekend. 
  16. Surf and Dune

    Over-ear headphones. What'cha got?

    The Bose quiet comforts are the best for cordless/bluetooth. Well worth the money, Beats are junk compared to them.  If you're looking to really step it up with wired headphones, then theres a huge rabbit hole you can go down.  I listen to a lot of music on my computer as well as YouTube videos...
  17. Surf and Dune

    Gun porn

  18. Surf and Dune

    Gun porn

    Just picked up a new Alien. Not sure if you've ever seen one, but these are crazy. Its got the lowest bore access of any handgun. The barrell doesn't move, and its basically lined up with your arm which means virtuall no muzzle rise. The top rail can be removed and changed in about 30 seconds...
  19. Surf and Dune

    What Are You Listening To

  20. Surf and Dune

    What Hot Rod do you have?

    My last 2, and current "hotrods". 