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  1. Davyjones

    RIP Doug Courton

  2. Davyjones

    RIP Doug Courton

    We rode today to celebrate the life of our friend Doug Courton . Thanks to everyone who came to show love for Doug . Will post a link to a video when its available .
  3. Davyjones

    RIP Doug Courton

  4. Davyjones

    RIP Doug Courton

    duner and friend Doug Courton passed away this morning from a short battle with the c word. . A man of marvel with the solar off grid setups , and one hell of a great duner to talk shop with about electrical construction , welding , plumbing , Duning , tools ,and just about everything in life ...
  5. Davyjones

    Weird things you see at work or anyplace else.

    I’ve seen just about everything in the Dino …. But this was wierd Couldn’t find a palm tree anywhere within several blocks . And the ones I found were little queen palms .
  6. Davyjones

    So. Is everyone ok over here???

    Grid can’t handle any more ev’s period
  7. Davyjones

    So. Is everyone ok over here???

    As a high voltage electrical first responder for a major electric utility . I can say this is one of the worst events of wind I’ve ever experienced in 30 years . Much different than normal Santa Ana’s with direction and changing directions of wind at varying intensity . The politics , the...
  8. Davyjones

    New Years Eve/ New Years day? Where are you? What are y'all doing

    Working . Encampment resident off 210 freeway attempted to connect an extension cord to 12kv
  9. Davyjones

    Working or not working between Christmas and New Years?

    What is not working ? Don’t know what that means
  10. Davyjones

    UHC CEO Shot

    Some Thomas crown affair tactics
  11. Davyjones

    UHC CEO Shot

    check out the judist priest song electric eye from 1982
  12. Davyjones

    Mr President

    I turned my phone off and all sources of info went to bed at 6 pm Just now I got to re live that child hood feeling of sneaking out on Christmas Eve to find santa had come … Thank god 🙏
  13. Davyjones

    What Defines A Man

    The dude abides
  14. Davyjones

    What do you do for work?

    Almost 30 years working in electrical utility industry , meter reader , service planning , engineering , civil construction inspections , grid system supervision, lineman , apparatus technician , now as a troubleman in the ghetto . Own a cnc machine shop outside of the 100 hour work weeks at...
  15. Davyjones

    What Defines A Man

    Pair of testicles The dude
  16. Davyjones

    Very close call , pos parts chevy 2500 3/4 ton drama today

    So ..... 3 miles west of gecko today I was traveling west bound on the 78 doing about 60 and thankfully just missed getting into a head on collision with a 18 wheeler .     My truck all of a sudden made a hard left hand turn into opposite traffic , it took every thing I had to keep it out of...