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  1. greevesqub

    JD'S Memes

    So that's what happened to all those 32 ford coupes
  2. greevesqub

    Would you buy this?

    Always liked the XX. Had a ride in one that had a 78" LT( I think) and turbo. Very nice car. Didn't like the engine at high rpm when cruising, very annoying. If they would do development on the car and have better than AC quality I would consider it at a their price point.
  3. greevesqub

    JD'S Memes

    The chicoms have had phenominal ROI with the Bidens.
  4. greevesqub

    CFMOTO new sport machine the Z Force Z10

    Great write up. The SXSBLOG crew have driven both the two and four seater and were impressed by the performance and quality. This may be the replacement for my YXZ. Really like the rear radiator as I hate heat in the cab. Be interesting to see if they come out with a intercooled model.
  5. greevesqub

    2024 election

    If the deep state meddles in the upcoming election there will probably be some consequences.  Think Comey, Brennan, Clapper, Yates et. al. (2020 and 2022 election).
  6. greevesqub

    JD'S Memes

  7. greevesqub

    JD'S Memes

    Beautiful view from top of Mt. Patterson @11,064'  in Mono county.  I'm sure some jackass will be offended.
  8. greevesqub

    Will Can am Have something like the Pro R?

    Nice car.  Finally ditched the belt.  DCT 7 speed with shift on the fly high low range will be nice.  Rumors of new 4 cylndersupercharged krx are out there too.  Kawasaki is also working on a DCT Transmission.  I think that one of these will be replacing my long travel  YXZ,        I could...
  9. greevesqub reverse rotation ring and pinion conversion

    Thinking about a street legal Manxter DualSport build on a tube frame.  Will be using a JDM Subaru  initially running NA.  Want transaxle strong enough for low boost turbo if I want more power.  Anyone have experience running one of these in their DualSport or sand cars?  Thanks 
  10. greevesqub

    Biden's BLM pick is an Eco-Terrorist

    I afraid you are right, the only way we as Americans should/will get regime change is through the ballot box.  Unlike the democrats that have used fraud (stolen election? Russian collusion) and a politicized DOJ and FBI. 
  11. greevesqub

    Biden's BLM pick is an Eco-Terrorist

    Hopefully the AZ audit will have evidence of fraud.  I heard that the Republicans in the statehouse in PA are pushing for audit of a couple districts including Philadelphia.  And still waiting for Durham to present findings on the Russia collusion fraud.                             I love the...