Search results

  1. Davyjones

    RIP Doug Courton

    duner and friend Doug Courton passed away this morning from a short battle with the c word. . A man of marvel with the solar off grid setups , and one hell of a great duner to talk shop with about electrical construction , welding , plumbing , Duning , tools ,and just about everything in life ...
  2. Davyjones

    Very close call , pos parts chevy 2500 3/4 ton drama today

    So ..... 3 miles west of gecko today I was traveling west bound on the 78 doing about 60 and thankfully just missed getting into a head on collision with a 18 wheeler .     My truck all of a sudden made a hard left hand turn into opposite traffic , it took every thing I had to keep it out of...
  3. Davyjones

    Free fold down rv toy hauler furniture

    Free  rear sofa bed  side couch  dinette sleeper benches  in a week they go in the dumpster  typical toyhauler glamis wear  ugly toyhauler pattern  brackets and hardware included  davey 909-660-1980
  4. Davyjones

    Redline 5th wheel 39’ toy hauler for sale

    I think it’s a 2007 ish 39’ redline model toyhauler with front slide out . Triple axle with 6 new tires in 2020 . onan genny , rear in n down bed bunk sofa i  , side flip up sofa and  flip up dinette seats . Has typical dune season use and has seen about 30 trips to glamis since I bought it and...
  5. Davyjones

    I need a Gd postal rancho Cucamonga to glamis for wed this week

    Anyone going Tuesday or wed ? Have flags to send to howzayquervo
  6. Davyjones

    When Enough is enough

    I have had it . To know people have been vandalizing memorials for the 13 all over so cal just is about the tipping point for me All you alpha men get your ass beating devices ready . How much more can we be pushed around by these sick America hating communist Effs . 
  7. Davyjones

    Having a Monday afternoon picnic 🍺

    No further explanation needed 
  8. Davyjones

    Trust and tragedy

    Ok as a general service announcement to everyone in here that signs the front of checks ... beware and don’t lose touch with your controller or who is doing your acts receivable and payables .  Have to micro manage this shot and trust nobody .  My friend found out that his super longtime...
  9. Davyjones

    Calif recall election

    Seems that Larry elder has the best chance . Democrats are sure dumping a lot of cash into defending ass clown gavin  but what you all think ?  
  10. Davyjones

    Sorry Kevin I couldn’t help it

    Mexico back 97 ish 
  11. Davyjones

    Glamis Monday be there !

    I’m gonna be there bout 7 am Monday . Anyone ?    bueler  bueler ? 