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  1. Bobalos

    DOTM Winner, October 2024

    Im sorry folks, time got away from me. .......... the official DOTM Winner for October of 2024 is: @Grease Monkey . thank you @Grease Monkey for all you do for our community. @RiverDave
  2. Bobalos

    Voting for DOTM, Oct24

    Who you got this month folks. two AWESOME choices.
  3. Bobalos


    Super Tuesday is coming up, so I'd like to encourage all yall to get out and vote. Make the time. Read the literature. Be informed. Follow the guides (I've found them to be pretty much in alignment with my research). Whatever you decide, go vote. I've been voting absentee since my Navy...
  4. Bobalos

    Nominations for DOTM, Oct24

    Good Day folks, its time for nominations for DOTM. Lets hear who you got this month!!!! As always........ thank you for your participation!! Bob
  5. Bobalos

    Nominations for DOTM, Oct 24

    Good Day folks, its time for nominations for DOTM. Lets hear who you got this month!!!! As always........ thank you for your participation!! Bob
  6. Bobalos

    DOTM winner, Sept 2024

    It was a close one this month, however the winner this month is @parker@gearone. I've had the pleasure of dealing with Parker a few times and it's always been awesome. He treats his customers like you would hope all companies do, but sadly its an exception rather than the rule. Thanks...
  7. Bobalos

    Pistol marksmanship discussion

    I've started looking into competitive pistol shooting and found a couple of YouTube channels that are pretty cool. I've been shooting since I was a kid, but never really looked into newer devices or shooting techniques. The humble marksman has some very interesting stuff on his channel. I...
  8. Bobalos

    Voting for DOTM, Sept 2024

    Time to get your votes in. Dont forget that next month is Veterans Weekend.
  9. Bobalos

    Nominations for DOTM, Sept24

    Goooood morning folks, its time for nominations for DOTM for Sept of 2024. Lets hear what you have.
  10. Bobalos

    Nominations for DOTM, Sept24

    Goooooooooooooooooooooood morning folks, its time for nominations for DOTM. Lets hear what you got.
  11. Bobalos

    Competition handgun forum

    Does anyone know if there is a forum for handgun shooting? Like the glamis dunes of competitive shooting. Uspca kind of competition. Thanks. Bob
  12. Bobalos

    Pistol sights, what say you?

    As most of you know I'm looking for a 9mm and shot a whole mess of stuff recently. I started looking into the "red dot" style of sights and there is a good but there to see. Not just the green VS red but different types. I tried to find an A vs B vs C type of thing but am not sure what to...
  13. Bobalos

    DOTM Winner, Aug 2024

    Well this month the voting started out pretty close, but in the end, @sndsamplr pulled it out. He was nominated by @MWB for keeping the show running for all of these years!!! very well deserved if you ask me. Congratulations @sndsamplr !!! @MWB nominated: I nominate Sndsmplr for keeping...
  14. Bobalos

    Voting for DOTM, Aug24

    Sorry we got off to a slow start this month, but Its that time again folks we got a lot of great choices this month. as per normal, voting will be open for 5 days. LETS go folks, get your votes in!!! As always, thanks for your participation. Bob
  15. Bobalos

    El cajon car show, 4sep24

    Some cool cats. My favorite was the green road runner until I saw the 66 nova. Damm is rhat a nice car... @onanysunday see something familiar????
  16. Bobalos

    Diamond Like Carbon Coating DLC

    Does anyone have anything with this coating? How long have you had it? How does it stand up to thousands of rounds? What do you clean it with? What do you lubricate it with?
  17. Bobalos

    9mm semi handgun choices

    Morning folks, I know a bunch of you have some super nice handguns and was wondering if you were to make a top 5 list what it would look like. I'm after a 9mm, semi with the ability to put some kind of optic on it. Not conceal cary kind of thing, strictly for the range. Precision and...
  18. Bobalos

    Quality of kimber

    I bought my kimber in 99 and heard that through 2010 or so the quality went downhill.  Does anyone know if they have improved their quality any?  I'm thinking about a 9mm 1911.
  19. Bobalos

    Nominations for DOTM, Aug24

    Its that time again folks, lets hear the nominations for DOTM Aug24...
  20. Bobalos

    Nominations for DOTM, Aug24

    Its that time again folks, lets hear the nominations for DOTM Aug24...