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  1. In Excess

    fires near lake Elsinore

    during yesterdays snow storm of ash we had black burned but complete intact leaves falling on our property, never seen that before. Approx 5-6 miles from fire, zero threat for us at our location and the way our property is setup
  2. In Excess

    Younger generation

    So my step son, just got out of navy last week. He tells me that the money situation is dumb in this country and the government just needs to hand out enough money for people to live on so everybody is equal. The talk went on for two hours about the problem and politics. my first comment was do...
  3. In Excess

    It's Saturday 6-29-2024.. What is everyones weekend plans?

    We prepped and painted our race trailer this weekend 
  4. In Excess

    Every couple years I get this bug

    So my parents bought this boat new in 1984, we used the chit out of it until about 2006, it hasn’t been used much in the last 10 years. I work on it then I never finish it, last time in water was 2021. I have a few things this week to wrap up and it’s all put back together. Going to try and put...
  5. In Excess

    Chinese food

    Today in china, no need for a cart 
  6. In Excess

    How many Members actually still go to Glamis?

    We have not been since early 2020, don’t have the correct camp and dune equipment anymore, since we have moved to more hard pack. However we will be going to test one of our cars in June. Will spend less than 24 hrs at the dunes without going in the dunes sadly. 
  7. In Excess

    What Hot Rod do you have?

    We just run a little bit of yellow juice and a bunch of boost to make it come alive
  8. In Excess

    What Hot Rod do you have?

    1600 single port 
  9. In Excess

    Tire wear

    Having excessive tire wear, any ideas?
  10. In Excess

    Truck and trailer weight

    The toter is heavy, but I’m still scratching my head on trailer being so light. I walked around on scale and all looked correct.    picture is trailer and old toter and replacement toter 
  11. In Excess

    Truck and trailer weight

    Pretty damn close, trailer is way lighter than expected, both cars are 1050lbs each going to add the 150 gallons of water to tank above gooseneck try to get a little more weight on rear axles, race fuel ends up on trailer axles. weight was just me in truck, no clothes, no food, no dog, so not...
  12. In Excess

    Truck and trailer weight

    Well after months of organizing, loading between the truck and trailer for the last year I felt it was time to weigh the whole thing today. renegade 17ft toter and 40ft stacker with dragster, buggy and rhino. We had a full load of fuel in truck and trailer but no nitro or alcohol on board. No...
  13. In Excess

    Where’s the old school sand cars at?

    Ready to go as long as we don’t let any parts out at the track next weekend. 
  14. In Excess

    Where’s the old school sand cars at?

    If our cars are not down for service at the time of old school we may bring both cars. Maybe we can burn a little nitro 
  15. In Excess

    A very sad day, y’all please read.

    Sandtrap and I found this picture on one of my servers of pastor 
  16. In Excess

    New telephone for house

    Well we decided it was time for a new telephone for the house, we still have a house line sort of since my business is run from home. So I decided it was really time to step up and impress her.
  17. In Excess

    Need a car moved

    I have a piece of crap car hauled to Pittsburg pa, from lake Elsinore ca. no set date, will pay, don’t ask why, it just needs done. Anybody ready for a road trip? If I can’t find somebody maybe I’ll do it myself
  18. In Excess

    My grandma kicked ass

    She passed away today at 96, lived a long life. Pretty fricken awesome I had a grandma until I was 55. I will say things went to hell with Covid being stuck at home made her very week but she lived on her own until about a year ago when dimentia kicked in, prettty sad ending she didn’t know...
  19. In Excess

    Rv insurance

    Looking for advice on rv insurance, current insurance provider has underwriters squirming because of 450k value. I have a feeling I’ll be getting a letter that they will not insure it, been 3 weeks and I can’t make a payment, can’t make changes, broker can’t get into my account as well. The...
  20. In Excess

    We finally did the unthinkable

    Well we got it home, everything seems pretty good. just a couple little issues lost front lug cover/hubcap deal on both front wheels, probably going another direction for these  the  rs hood mirror moves when you hit a pothole Soundbar on tv doesn’t appear to work other than these few...