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  1. Surf and Dune

    Faith in humanity posts/ stories. Show some of the good things people to for others.

     Not sure if there's been a topic like this, but I love stories like this one. New Content...
  2. Surf and Dune

    What Are You Listening To

  3. Surf and Dune

    What Are You Listening To

  4. Surf and Dune

    More Legislation Requiring Vaccines

    I spread "fake news" saying that about 75% of those that have died from Covid were obese. Its actually more like 78% that have been hospitalized and/or died. Just wondering if some of the know it all's on this board that like to talk a big game and are 20lbs + overweight , would raise their hand...
  5. Surf and Dune

    Fill up your 1 lb propane bottles from home.

    Kinda cool way to save some $$
  6. Surf and Dune

    What Are You Listening To

  7. Surf and Dune

    GD Street Cars

    My new car, GT3, and my last one. C63 Black Series.
  8. Surf and Dune

    What Are You Listening To

  9. Surf and Dune

    What Are You Listening To

  10. Surf and Dune

    What Are You Listening To

  11. Surf and Dune

    COVID Numbers Are Misleading

     Not a troll, just not a sheep either. 
  12. Surf and Dune

    COVID Numbers Are Misleading

     He don't know...
  13. Surf and Dune

    COVID Numbers Are Misleading

    My wife is a nurse. Got a scratchy throat during her shift, woke up the next morning with what seemed like a bad cold. Tested positive 2 days later and started feeling better on the 3rd day. Still a little run down 8 days later  but definitely on the good track. We were talking last night about...
  14. Surf and Dune

    COVID Numbers Are Misleading

     Not saying you didn't, but how do you KNOW that you got it from that concert? They say to quarantine 14 days if you've been exposed to someone that has it because you can pass it on even though you have no symptoms. 
  15. Surf and Dune

    Replaced EGR valve and cooler on my 2007 Duramax. Check these pics out!

    So my truck runs good, although the fuel mileage seems low (13ish), and doesn't have as much power as it did when new. I felt for a while that the boost seemed low or something. Fast forward, check engine light on and its time for smog cert. Turns out EGR and cooler were super clogged. I gained...
  16. Surf and Dune

    What Are You Listening To

    If Devo and Prodigy had a love child!
  17. Surf and Dune

    What Are You Listening To

  18. Surf and Dune

    What Are You Listening To
