Search results

  1. C

    Havasu SXS peeps!

    Starts October 22nd and every Tuesday there after
  2. C

    New to Sandrails

    Explicit, SCU, AZP, Extreme would be my choices.
  3. C

    New to Sandrails

    For that budget I would just build new and get everything exactly the way you want.
  4. C

    It's Saturday Oct 12th 2024.. What is everyone doing this weekend?

    Out on the water had lunch at Topok so nice riding in someone else’s boat.
  5. C

    2008 Weekend Warrior FB2600

    Sold! Nice meeting you John enjoy 🤙🏼
  6. C

    What Sub sammy works for you?

    In LA would be East Side Market, Giamela’s, Tony’s Subs, Phillipe’s (only for their beef dip) DeFranko’s by Van Nuys airport. No particular order just depends where in LA I’m working at.
  7. C

    2008 Weekend Warrior FB2600

    Sale pending.
  8. C

    2008 Weekend Warrior FB2600

    Yes I do
  9. C

    Looking for input: Sand Blaster 33-15 standard or Pro?

    She still looks good!
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    Looking for input: Sand Blaster 33-15 standard or Pro?

    With the 2d I would run the regular Blaster #2 cut. The #2 on the Pro is the same size scoop as on the 17” Blaster. The Pro #1 is the same height scoop as the regular #2. The Pro Blasters has a thicker base at the scoop which has less flex then the regular Blaster.
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    9mm semi handgun choices

    I hated Glocks but once I learned how to shoot them I love them. I’m also a die hard 1911 guy.
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    Switch pros alternative?
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    Switch pros alternative?

    I heard good things about the Pro 8
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    What do you do for work?

    Mustang Sally’s
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    What do you do for work?

    For my regular job I’m a crane operator for LADWP been here for over 23 years operated heavy equipment before crane and drove truck before that. For our business we own bars that is more my wife’s baby in Rancho Cucamonga, Devore, and Lake Havasu.
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    Morgan Motorsports Lake Havasu

    This car is free with a purchase of a home at the Riviera.
  17. C

    Speed Cars

    @Rockwood check out Morgan Motorsports in Havasu they do awesome work.
  18. C

    Trick or treating in Glamis?

    Cement Flats is a camping area in Glamis.
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    Trick or treating in Glamis?

    Halloween isn’t how it used to be in Glamis anymore unfortunately with Camp Rzr it’s a chit show now. I wouldn’t even take my teenage boys there for that weekend. I remember Cement Flats was the spot for trick or treating.