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  1. Davyjones

    Pictures......Let's See Them

    I see vagrant fires every day in berdoo . Vagrants deficating  on sidewalks , dead vagrants , vagrants assaulting families , vagrants destroying everything in their path . They are just an unemployed drugged out version of a liberal . Half the building on highland between waterman and del Rosa...
  2. Davyjones

    Trust and tragedy

    Ok as a general service announcement to everyone in here that signs the front of checks ... beware and don’t lose touch with your controller or who is doing your acts receivable and payables .  Have to micro manage this shot and trust nobody .  My friend found out that his super longtime...
  3. Davyjones

    Calif recall election

    More of this if we don’t get this demoncrat out . 
  4. Davyjones

    Calif recall election

    Seems that Larry elder has the best chance . Democrats are sure dumping a lot of cash into defending ass clown gavin  but what you all think ?  
  5. Davyjones

    Trans girls in women's sports ?

    What the Eff  
  6. Davyjones

    Sorry Kevin I couldn’t help it

    Mexico back 97 ish 
  7. Davyjones

    It's Saturday 6-26-21 What are you doing this weekend?

    This kind of stuff all weekend 
  8. Davyjones

    It's Saturday 6-19-21 What are you doing this weekend?

    Enjoyed watching my son pitch his second great game of this travel baseball tournament.   
  9. Davyjones

    Happy Birthday Sand Diva

    Happy birthday .. hope the dirtbags are making it a great one 
  10. Davyjones

    What's yore plans for this Memorial Weekend? 2021

    Went for a day in the dunes with my wife . Battery’s were all dead  so we just went to Osborn with beers and had ourselves a little picnic . 
  11. Davyjones

    It's Saturday 5-22-21 What are you doing this weekend?

    Stole my sons jeep for the weekend and wheeled through berdoo canyon road up to Joshua  tree . 
  12. Davyjones

    Garage floor coating?

    Penny wise did my floor a couple weeks ago . Turned out great . Screw diy 
  13. Davyjones

    DOM vs Chromo

    Normalized or heat treated 
  14. Davyjones

    Introduce Yourself..

    Every day I hear this Crap ..... how much did a pirate pay to get his ears Pearced. .     A buccaneer  hey hey were the monkeys ... 
  15. Davyjones

    what the Ph is going on with Fuel prices????

    no no no   that's all conspiracy stuff  🤣.... along with blaming joe obiden  for why there were several restaurants in chino closed today due to not having any product ?
  16. Davyjones

    Introduce Yourself..

    David jones    ...    signed up here in 2003  mostly lurked and watched what my brother was up to .   I spent a couple of summers riding a 200ex in Pismo as a kid and then made a spring break trip to Pismo junior year of high school .  graduated hs and went to work for a electric utility where i...
  17. Davyjones

    Back in! Welcome Back!

    Nowhere and I mean nowhere can you revisit the joy of simple Internet forum excitement like . It’s like a rebirth and revisit of the feeling we all had the first time we signed on to an aol chat room ..... 🤣
  18. Davyjones

    Glamis Monday be there !

    I’m gonna be there bout 7 am Monday . Anyone ?    bueler  bueler ? 