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  1. Free ride


    Was in Parker last weekend.   Didn't feel hot till you got out of the water.  
  2. Free ride

    Supercross/Outdoor Motorcross

  3. Free ride

    Its Saturday 6-24-23... What Y'all doing this weekend

    2 days into a trip to Germany.  Took my daughter for a graduation present.  Went to Charlemagne's cathedral yesterday.  Saw some amazing history, ate some amazing traditional German food so far.  Today we take a party boat up the Rhine river and tomorrow we visit Amsterdam.  After that not sure...
  4. Free ride

    Its Saturday May 27th 2023.. What is everyone up too this weekend?

    4 day weekend in Parker.  
  5. Free ride

    Its Saturday 4-22-23 What is everyone up too?

    Heading to the air show at March ARB.  Haven't been in 7 years.  Gonna be fun, hot and will probably buy too much overpriced alcohol.  Tomorrow we're going on a Harley ride, great weekend shaping up.  
  6. Free ride

    Who commutes by motorcycle?

    Only have a 15 mile commute to work but prefer to ride most days as it's faster and puts a smile on my face.  Close calls, you betcha, more often than I like.  Last time I went down (2/20/22) was in the dirt on the dual sport and broke my Tibia.   That ended with surgery and 3 nights in the...
  7. Free ride

    Supercross/Outdoor Motorcross

    Been a while since I've seen dirtbikes at the coliseum.  Tickets for the final are on sale now.   
  8. Free ride

    Supercross/Outdoor Motorcross

    Stank dog at snapdragon 
  9. Free ride

    Supercross/Outdoor Motorcross

    Can't wait, got tickets to both Anaheims and San Diego!!   
  10. Free ride

    Its Saturday Dec 3rd 2022.. What are Y'all up too this weekend?

    Had amazing BBQ lunch to celebrate our middle daughter turning 16.  So glad she loves ribs.  Put these on at 5:20 this morning.  Had a problem flipping them as the bones started falling out.  
  11. Free ride

    Which bike?

    If she is just a casual rider then either you mentioned should be ok.  My daughter has the klx140L and for dirt it does fine.  Not a race bike but I'm assuming if you wanted a race bike you'd be looking at the crf150.  My daughter has a 22klx 140L and we've had no problems so far.   
  12. Free ride

    Republic of Slowjamastan

    Was out in Ocotillo, stopped by and met the sultan.     
  13. Free ride

    Gas Prices

    Yep, a friend of mine was out there a couple weeks ago.  Sent me this 
  14. Free ride

    Infrared to look for Scorpions

    I have a LED blacklight flashlight and it makes them glow pretty good.  We find them all over at Ocotillo Wells 
  15. Free ride

    Supercross/Outdoor Motorcross

    Good fun today. 
  16. Free ride

    Supercross/Outdoor Motorcross

    Gonna be a fun one tomorrow!   They even have a table top over the restrooms.   
  17. Free ride


  18. Free ride

    Old Shirts

    All others have been worn to threads, here's what's left.  
  19. Free ride

    Supercross/Outdoor Motorcross

    Oh yeah, they already released the track map.   I'll definitely be attending that race.   