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  1. wesinls

    It is Saturday June 8th 2024.. What is everyone up too this weekend?

    Went to Yuma and ski'd the river for the day yesterday...and installed a new stereo in the tahoe today.  Productive fun weekend.
  2. wesinls

    It's Saturday 6-1-2024.. What is everyone doing this weekend?

    Parker AZ. Perfect weather yesterday.
  3. wesinls

    It's is Saturday May 25th 2024.. What is everyone up too this weekend?

    It's a Hurricane 228 with a 115HP 4 stroke Yamaha with a 100 hrs on the engine.  I picked it up from Texas (Houston area) a few months back ($9k cheaper than any local) - and a few weeks later dropped it off at an upholstery shot to have a new Bimini, carpet kit, and custom cover made for it. ...
  4. wesinls

    It's is Saturday May 25th 2024.. What is everyone up too this weekend?

    Took my new to me boat out for the 1st time today...Sutherland Damn in Ramona.  It was to mainly replace the bunks on the trailer...I'm trying to get ready for a Parker trip next weekend. But man that lake was beautiful today...great weather, wild horses on the shoreline - super peaceful.   
  5. wesinls

    Best LS / LT - GM V8 for Daily Driver - Decent MPG?

    You'd be surprised what they are going for - and they keep going up....If I swap out the engine, I'll keep everything so that I can put it back to stock...square body blazer going up, as are the Tahoe's.
  6. wesinls

    Best LS / LT - GM V8 for Daily Driver - Decent MPG?

    So my 2018 Colorado commuter truck got totaled and with the 25k I've decided to buy a vehicle I've always wanted...2 door Tahoe and have it be my daily driver. - yep dumd as fuk idea, I know, But the kicker is, that not everyone knows, is they actually made a few of these in a Diesel...which...
  7. wesinls

    What Hot Rod do you have?

    C10 with an LS3 and 4L80.  Lot's more to do but having fun with it so far. 
  8. wesinls

    It's Saturday May 11th 2024.. What is everyone up too this weekend?

    Teaching my wfie to ride a motorcycle (for the 3rd time) - every so often she talks about wanting a bike and asks me to help get her ready for a motorcycle test...Hoping one day she goes through with it.
  9. wesinls

    Engine choice for a future Hot Rod build

    Happy with my save some money with not buying the complete engine too...ebay and from a chevy dealer - I bought two from them and no issues - then pieced together all the other parts - and purchased things like injectors that come on the actual full LS3 / 525 from gm....In my case...
  10. wesinls

    Truck Totaled - Buy it Back?

    My little commuter truck was rear ended last week and I was notified today it's going to be totaled.  I do know that the insurance company will / should allow me to buy it back for a discounted price (or so I've been told by countless others). Should I buy it back - fix it myself for around...
  11. wesinls

    It's Saturday April 13th 2024.. What is everyone up too this weekend?

    Back in Virginia for the week...flew out yesterday, but was able to make some progress on my speakers install in the C10 Saturday.  Work in progress.  
  12. wesinls

    Its Saturday March 30th 2024.. What is Everyone up too this weekend?

    Out in Virginia installing a few thousand servers- fly home tomorrow.
  13. wesinls

    Crashed Dell hard drive

    Doubtful, but I've seen it before - be sure you choose the options to view "hidden items" when you're in that user folder - if you're lucky, the old profile is just view / show / hidden files
  14. wesinls

    Its Saturday March 23rd 2024.. What is everyone up too this weekend?

    Getting closer on my c10 - having issues with the Holley Terminator X firing coils and injectors during cranking...have checked everything 3 times now - hoping to find issue today.  
  15. wesinls

    WANT TO BUY - Early 2000s Alumicraft

    Pictures of when my car was built - Don picking up the car after Jeff Davis finished body,...I have the receipt, I think it was like $1800 lol
  16. wesinls

    Its Saturday March 2th 2024.. What is everyone up too?

    Making progress on the C10 - starting to actually come together...Terminator wiring and engine misc stuff today.
  17. wesinls

    Unofficial Old School Round Up - Anyone Going ???

    Fire and olds Friday night - then they are meeting up at old again Saturday morning around 10am.  Was going, but wind is looking nasty.
  18. wesinls

    California State Primary

    Got his autograph at the carls junior in Escondido when I was 14...Hope he wins, good guy.
  19. wesinls

    Its Saturday Feb 17th 2024.. What are your plans this weekend?

    After looking at the existing wiring, decided F it - ripped it all out and ordered a new painless kit...Yesterday was the day I realized why people spend way more than they plan on these things...I didnt budget for a 700 painless kit :| - Also ordered a new fuel tank with all items needed for...
  20. wesinls

    Its Saturday Feb 17th 2024.. What are your plans this weekend?

    Sometimes I can take a screen shot and paste and the site works, then a few hours later it turns to a link...Anyway, this one should work.  And me too, been thinking about this for 2 or so years and saw this come up on facebook for a good price.  Motor and trans come next week - super pumped...