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  1. N

    Textron’s Arctic Cat struggles. Could this be the end?

    For those that don’t know the history of Polaris, here is a history timeline I did over a year ago about Polaris. Here is the history timeline I did for Arctic Cat. After reading both you will see how intertwined the two...
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    Textron’s Arctic Cat struggles. Could this be the end?

    There are several reasons why a brand might buy and own another brand. In Polaris case they have been known to buy a brand at the bottom & build it up. Polaris Bought Indian Motorcycles when they owned Victory Motorcycles and made Indian so successful that Polaris eliminated the Victory brand...
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    Textron’s Arctic Cat struggles. Could this be the end?

    100%. The biggest problem with Arctic Cat is not just Arctic Cat, it’s Textron. I never understood why they purchased the company, as from day 1 you could see they did not know the industry, they never brought in the right people or were willing to spend some money to build it back up. Arctic...
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    Textron’s Arctic Cat struggles. Could this be the end?

    I’ve been keeping an eye on the recent news with Arctic Cat & Textron. A couple months ago Textron said due to softening demand, higher interest rates, and overstocked dealer inventory, Textron said Arctic Cat would finish building the 2025 model Snowmobiles and stop all production in December...
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    Speed UTV

    I’m 100% confident a few independent teams racing a Speed would have better results then RG & team have had.
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    Speed UTV

    What I believe was said was for the cage & chassis to be Score race legal, you would need to weld up the tube connectors and add door bars and the chassis will pass tech. No other brand can say that. Race results 100% show the Pro R & Mav R are ahead of Speed. But are those cars stock? Its a...
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    Speed UTV

    The car was never advertised as race ready. The chassis was inspected early on by Score tech, and the upper cage was said it could be race legal with some modifications. No other brand cage could be made race legal. As far as the OEM suspension & geometry is way more race capable than the other...
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    Kawasaki KRX 4 in glamis.

    Seems to be ok in the video. But he’s riding by himself. Let the guy try to keep pace and go where other N/A UTV’s and turbos are going in the dunes and you will see the KRX not do as well. Again my friend could get around most of dunes ok. But the fact is the 2019 RZR N/A car which is 3hp less...
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    Kawasaki KRX 4 in glamis.

    A good friend has the two seat KRX. He’s taken the car to the Glamis, but it’s a dog in the dunes. He gets around, but he’s not climbing hills or going fast. He bought the System 3 SS360 tires for the rear, and it helped a bunch vs the hard pack knobby tires, but it’s definitely not a dune car...
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    Speed UTV

    Qualifying results.
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    Speed UTV

    Well I for one am looking forward to hearing your announcement and exactly what you will be doing.
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    Speed UTV

    Sean have you announced your business plans yet?
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    Wife says her car drives funny

    Nice! Which Raceline wheel did you buy?
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    I heard that Malcolm died. Rest in peace Malcolm Smith.

    Cycle news article. God Speed Malcolm.
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    Why no bypass shocks

    The top end OEM models from each brand already run internal bypass in the shocks. Plus you then enter, cost, packaging, and the general market consumer would have to understand how to adjust & tune, which is the last thing a OEM wants the customer to play with. This is also why the electronic...
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    Speed UTV

    RG is in Asia as we speak trying to fix the CVT issues.
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    Speed UTV

    “Most” did not have any facts 3 years ago. I had facts that were given to me by Speed, and at the time were factual. Unfortunately thing change as nothing is for sure, especially as mistakes are made along the way. We can only hope Speed’s story turns out like Polaris's. I did a really cool...
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    Speed UTV

    I’ve always been very optimistic, but also very factual. Those who were bashing this 3 years ago had zero facts and were just spewing made up lies just to cause trouble. Most had zero credible information or had never once spoke or knew RG or TR. They were just acting as an internet gang mob...
  19. N

    Speed UTV

    Tony Cola is still around and working out of the Arrington engine shop, which RG bought & owns. But yes lots have come & gone. Which is not really surprising. Speed was done designing the car and if they were successful the next design was a few years out at best. Meanwhile Daniel is not...