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  1. Bobalos


  2. Bobalos

    Bugs fixes modifications thread

  3. Bobalos

    Where's Cheff?

    Drive carefully Jefe
  4. Bobalos

    What movie are you watching now?

    I just started watching season 2 of Diplomat on Netflix. IMO, the writing has gotten better. looks like this is going to be a pretty good season. Season 1 was "OK", I stuck through the whole thing, but my wife did not like the language. Kerri Russel is pretty hot, which doesn't hurt. She...
  5. Bobalos

    What movie are you watching now?

    I just watched this, it was a pretty good story.
  6. Bobalos

    Bugs fixes modifications thread

    @RiverDave is this doable. I ran into this issue again with the DOTM voting.
  7. Bobalos

    Nominations for DOTM, Oct24

    OK folks, Welcome to November, its time to vote for Oct DOTM. get in there & give us your vote.
  8. Bobalos

    Voting for DOTM, Oct24

    Who you got this month folks. two AWESOME choices.
  9. Bobalos


    Morning folks, pushing through the last 20%. busy, BUSY week.
  10. Bobalos

    Esco's Three Word Game

    inside the 20
  11. Bobalos

    Esco's Three Word Game

    No horseplay inside
  12. Bobalos

    Joke of the day! (No Memes)

    husband comes home from work a little randy & says "how about we go upstairs & have sex?" Wife says: "I went to the gynecologist today & he said I cant have sex for 2 weeks". He says: "well, how about a hummer?" Wife says: "As it turns out I went to the Dentist yesterday & have an infection in...
  13. Bobalos


    Can you imagine how that dude feels................. his fail has been watched um-teen million times......... LOL
  14. Bobalos

    Got a new sumptin sumptin to build

    I dont think I have ever fired an AR. good luck on the build. keep us up to date on how its going.
  15. Bobalos


    Mornin folks. Yesterday was a good day.
  16. Bobalos

    Esco's Three Word Game

    work interrupting play
  17. Bobalos

    Esco's Three Word Game

    Got no time
  18. Bobalos

    JD'S Memes

    Messico.......... I would imagine cartel related.
  19. Bobalos

    How many leo's does it take to kill a dinosaur? (12)

    I dont think that folks should just take it upon themselves to put things on public grounds. maybe I should go put a giant steel surfboard @ the top of half dome............... or maybe a 20' tall one of these.
  20. Bobalos

    Esco's Three Word Game

    Who you got?