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  1. rivermobster

    It's Saturday Dec 21st 2024..What is everyone doing this weekend?

    That is a Great fucking pic!!! 💜🤣👍🏼
  2. rivermobster


    Came across this vid this morning. I'll never listen to this song the same way again. 🥹
  3. rivermobster

    Got back in to RC cars

    Man I still have my JRXT packed away in the garage. Last time I went to Pegasus to buy some parts for it, the guy was like... You still have one of those??? 🤣
  4. rivermobster

    It's Saturday Dec 21st 2024..What is everyone doing this weekend?

    Man if you need any help, let me know. I owe you Big time for helping me clean out the main line back in the day!!! That was a nightmare I'll not soon forget!!! 😱🤣😜 As for me... Wrapping presents. Watching football and cooking. Made a crock pot full of Honey Baked Ham bone soup. Used their...
  5. rivermobster

    Who do you use to process credit cards for your biz?

    They have been doing it at the gas pump for how long now??? And they don't exactly make a secret about it!!! 🤣🤣🤣
  6. rivermobster

    Textron’s Arctic Cat struggles. Could this be the end?

    Could this be the end??? I didn't realize we did click bait around this place now? 🤣😜
  7. rivermobster

    Any GM Techs, Automotive Guru's...

    They like to poke around I'm told... 😎
  8. rivermobster


    Man I'm old now... I can barely remember what I had for breakfast these days! 😁 But if you're asking about Da chEFF of the world, he Should be driving to G at the moment. Usually takes him roughly three days. I haven't decided if I'm gonna head out there, or not. Wanted to chat with ol...
  9. rivermobster

    Gas tank repair

    Radiator shops used to do this kinna thing all day. But all the ones I know stopped those repairs awhile back. Maybe someone knows a shop still doing it?
  10. rivermobster


    Which one?
  11. rivermobster

    Any GM Techs, Automotive Guru's...

    Copy that. 👍🏼
  12. rivermobster

    Any GM Techs, Automotive Guru's...

    Awwww. That's so cute! 👨‍❤️‍👨 🏳️‍🌈 😁
  13. rivermobster


  14. rivermobster

    Any GM Techs, Automotive Guru's...

    You have been a fuck Ton nicer than I would have been. But, i also don't know what you approved and signed for. 🤷‍♂️ The good news is, when those struts go bad in a year or so, you'll have saved up enough money for a Real strut/spring kit! 👍🏼👍🏼
  15. rivermobster

    Christmas songs or lights, whacha got?

  16. rivermobster


    He would Definitely be qualified for that. 👍🏼😁
  17. rivermobster

    New members signing up!!!!

    Happy searching!
  18. rivermobster

    Speed UTV

    **Suspension Performance**: The Speed cars, handled the mixed terrain and challenging conditions AS EXPECTED, allowing the Speed team to racer the front all day. 🤔
  19. rivermobster

    Harbor freight badlands winch, 40% off tomorrow (Thurs.) with coupon.

    Good find. Looks like they are gonna have one smoking deal a day for awhile. Nice work! 👍🏼
  20. rivermobster

    New members signing up!!!!

    The Wayback Machine. 😎