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  1. rivermobster

    Getting stuck is a problem

    Always park facing down hill... Pick your lines out ahead of time... Keep your momentum flowing smoothly... Always know what's on the other side of a dune... Never dune alone... Enjoy never getting stuck again. 👍🏼
  2. rivermobster

    two 12v dying after heater use.

    What he said. ^^^ @JBL Call around to a few golf cart repair shops, and ask what 6v take outs they have available. You can pick em up dirt cheap. Paying big money for super Yazoo batteries doesn't make any sense to me. You can get take outs dirt cheap, replace em every year, and still be...
  3. rivermobster

    Speed UTV

    Only Speed would have those numbers. Going by what's being posted on the interwebs... I'd Guess less than 1000 have been delivered. 1500 at the most.
  4. rivermobster

    Speed UTV

    This ^^^
  5. rivermobster

    New Years Eve/ New Years day? Where are you? What are y'all doing

    As little as possible... 😎
  6. rivermobster

    1967 Dodge A-100 Hot rod sort of rat rod build thread.

    Bad azz. 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
  7. rivermobster

    New scam tactic: Close to a hundred emails such as website sign ups to mask the fraudulent charge on your card.

    I have my three different CC apps on my phone. I get a push message Instantly when a charges is made. No email required.
  8. rivermobster

    Working or not working between Christmas and New Years?

    Montana or Idaho? 😎
  9. rivermobster

    RIP Jimmy Carter

    Yep. Long run. 👍🏼👍🏼
  10. rivermobster

    Working or not working between Christmas and New Years?

    Hey Chris, good to see you over here!!! FYI: Chris gets me all my tires on everything I own. Nobody does it better. 👍🏼👍🏼
  11. rivermobster

    Working or not working between Christmas and New Years?

    Welcome to the club!!! 🤗
  12. rivermobster

    Its the Last weekend of 2024... What is everyone doing this weekend?

    I ordered some parts for my truck. Does that count as "doing something"? 🤔
  13. rivermobster

    Working or not working between Christmas and New Years?

    Yep .. Penske was like that when I worked at Longo. When someone would cook up some new responsibilities to lay on us, and we would ask How we would be compensated for this, the answer was Always the same... Well, you get to keep your job of course! 🙄🤣😜
  14. rivermobster

    1967 Dodge A-100 Hot rod sort of rat rod build thread.

    Nice work! 👍🏼
  15. rivermobster


    Merry Christmas moofers!!! 🥂🎊🎄
  16. rivermobster

    for you sweet tooth peeps

    You be calling my name bro! 😁
  17. rivermobster

    Working or not working between Christmas and New Years?

    Just checking in... Remembering all the times I to work, the days after a holiday. FUCK IM SO GLAD IM RETIRED!!! 🥂🎊🥂
  18. rivermobster

    Any GM Techs, Automotive Guru's...

    So you're suggesting he behave like an adult??? Where is the actual MWB, and what have you done with him??? 🤔